Monday 21 September 2015

Big Bang Theory - The Matrimonial Momentum

Sorry all my posts are late today - I was watching the Blue Jays game. Normally I'd have been all over 3 shows premiering in the same day, but meaningful September baseball is a priority!!
No, Ron, no I do not!! 
Leonard and Penny are about to get married, and Sheldon calls and interrupts them to tell him about his breakup with Amy. Poor Sheldon! He's heartbroken! And sounds like a sassy teenager.

Amy is mega-insulted, also sounds like a sassy teenager. Sheldon's being passive-aggressive. Apparently it's pathetic to watch a wedding (even on the internet) without a date. Oops I might be pathetic then... I've never had a date to any of the weddings I've been to. Although, I was 7 when I went to the first one, so that might not count...

"We make everyone feel awkward, that's our thing!" Sheldon has never been so self-aware hahaha

Vegas weddings always seemed so sad to me. I couldn't imagine having no control over my wedding, or not having any friends or family there. Not that I'm getting married anytime soon...

Penny doesn't have any proper vows prepared, so she just recites the lyrics to 'You've Got a Friend in Me'. Which I thought was weird (so did the minister) but Leonard loved it, so that's good!

Sheldon insults Amy and they have a huge fight and she decides they're officially broken up - right in the middle of the wedding. So everyone missed the end of the ceremony.

Leonard screws up by continuing to talk about that girl he'd kissed. Apparently he works with her, and Penny freaks out, and well there goes the honeymoon!

Sheldon's mom! I love Sheldon's mom. He's sworn off women and pop rocks, because apparently they both hurt you on purpose.
Pop rocks: Practically the same thing as a woman
Penny's hair sprouted some length on the drive home from Las Vegas... No WAY it was long enough to pull into a mini-bun the night before.

Apparently if one's hands are full, saying 'knock knock knock' is a good enough substitute for Sheldon's ritual. He lets slip that the girl Leonard made out with is 'brilliant and attractive', and Penny's reaction to that was priceless.

Stewart continues to be kinda creepy, first hitting on newly-single Amy and then saying 'innnteresting' when he finds out Penny is at home alone.

So nothing really got resolved in this one, I gotta say that's a bit disapointing! Leonard and Sheldon are both sad, Penny's miffed, and Amy's alone. And everyone else had minimal screentime. Let's hope next week ties up some loose ends!

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