Sunday 6 December 2015

Big Bang Theory - The Spock Resonance

Wil Wheaton is back! And so is Leonard Nimoy's son - who is doing a documentary they want to interview Sheldon for.

Bernadette wants to redecorate the house, and Howard is resistant. Now he's guilt-tripping her because his dad left and his mom died and he doesn't want to change anything because everything reminds him of them.

Aww... Nimoy's son looks just like him! And Sheldon loved Spock because he lived in a logic-based world without irrational emotion. Did you know there was a wall safe behind the whiteboard behind the giant DNA model? And a floor safe? And a security camera in Aquaman?? (Cos Leonard didn't).

No, apparently Adam doesn't count as Nimoy DNA. Only the napkin does! I'm so glad they did a callback to that, that episode was one of my favourites ever. The dialogue about Sheldon having a Wil, (a miniature Wheaton) and an actual will, 'in which he wills his Wil back to Wil' was pretty great!
Look, it's little Wil! 
OH MY GOD I FORGOT PENNY AND THE GUYS DIDN'T KNOW HE WAS GOING TO PROPOSE TO AMY!!!! They found the ring in his safe and he told them, all matter-of-factly, and Penny lost her shit, much like I did when it was revealed in the season 8 finale.

Instead of 'What would Jesus do?', Sheldon decided to model himself after 'What would Spock do?' - so maybe he isn't naturally devoid of emotions, it's a learned behaviour. And he gets upset when Penny points out that he has emotion, just like the half of Spock that was human. Bravo, Penny.

Not all houses have a space to crawl under them from the outside, some have foundations that are built into the ground... And Howard wants kids, but Bernadette doesn't, and he tells her father that WHILE they're under the house. Not a smart move.

Raj is hilarious. So is Bernadette's dad.

Sheldon decides he's off to propose to Amy, but then he sees her kiss some guy outside her building. So he turns around and leaves.

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