Wednesday 26 December 2012

HIMYM - 'Lobster Crawl'

Aaaand I hate making myself go on hiatus after the Barney-Robin kiss, but it was necessary!!! Stupid school...
They have Marvin at the bar... What wonderful parents they are haha.. And they agree to let Ted watch Marvin because 'Any moron can look after a baby!'
Except this moron.

Barney's tie Cornelius 'died' because he spilled ketchup on it lol and Robin keeps complimenting him in a really weird giggly-cheerleader voice haha. Then Lily realises that Robin is trying to go after Barney because she's been toldshe can't have him - just like the time she was told she was allergic to lobster and she got all obsessed with eating lobster and her face blew up. Interesting enough, I thought the lobster thing was a reference to the Friends episode where Phoebe says that Rachel and Ross are lobsters because lobsters mate for life and every human has a lobster, the one person they're meant to be with (Barney and Robin!!) and then she did this adorable hand thing:
'He's her lobster!'
Berney comes up with the idea of 'Bro bibs' to prevent the death of ties... And Lily loves it haha she won't even listen to Robin's problems.
Then Ted manages to see Marvin crawl, but Lily and Marshall keep missing it (another ripoff of Friends, Ross kept missing Ben's firsts - words, steps, etc.)
Robin has a 'genius plan' of sleeping with Barney one last time to get him out of her system AND OMG PATRICE AND BRANDY ARE BACK AHHAHAHAH so she concocts her own version of the Playbook which doesn't work lol and then he ends up going off with Brandy haha I saw that coming!!
'Bro Bibs is in no way inspired by, affiliated with, or
associated with Dude Aprons'
Lily is so pissed at Ted because he's stolen all of Marvin's 'firsts' so they decide to fire him because they find his scrapbook of Marvin's 'firsts' and it reminds them of his scrapbook of the GNB building's book of 'firsts' and they realise he's sad and just needs a new job.
Barney decides not to sleep with Brandy and that he needs to fix something in his life because he doesn't really know what he wants - so then she shows up to his house in lingerie and Patrice is there!! O.O HOLY WTF?!! Apparently when he went to the studio to sleep with Brandy he ended up talking to Patrice for a couple hours and then they're on a date when she got there! Holy weirdness...
Lily and Marshall swear they forgive Ted for stealing all of Marshall's firsts but then in a flash-forward they try to steal his kid's firsts hahaha typical.

1 comment:

  1. Ross was one of my favorite characters, which friend character do you like?
