Wednesday 19 December 2012

NCIS: LA - 'The Gold Standard'

Hey I'm baaack!!! I'm now home for Christmas break, and since exams are over and I'm not at all tired, I've decided to catch up on some TV before going to bed. I decided to start with NCIS: LA because today is Tuesday and I heard tonight's episode was really good (especially for my favourite nerds!) so I am just dying to watch it, but I'll catch up my other shows in the next few days as well.
As for this one, it starts off at some kind of outdoor fair (with a Dragonette song playing, I approve!) and some people in insane costumes rob and bomb an armoured truck and kill all the security guards, with semiautomatic weapons (which really isn't fair, or at all necessary, I mean the poor guys were just doing their jobs!) One of the robbers looks like a pirate, another looks like a clown, and one has a gorilla mask on (reminding me of 30 Minutes or Less).
Yes, it's kind of a dumb movie, and the masks are creepy, but I LOVE Jesse Eisenberg, so...
The other two have random shirts (one Hawaiian, one plaid) and ski masks. How cliche.
Everyone owes Sam a favour, because he did all their paperwork, and Deeks is MIA, appearing in court, unfortunately, so poor, reluctant Kensi is getting partnered with Granger.
Eric's learned a new whistle hahaha that's my boy! Apparently the robbers stole 700 million dollars on gold bars destined to partially repay a loan to the government from China. Fortunately, one of the guards survived the attack, and a whole bunch of bystanders also videotaped the robbery.
Sam and Callen go to the crime scene, and after some witty banter about the difference between monkeys and gorillas, they find a blood trail leading to a dumpster containing the body of the clown-robber. Eric diagnoses Sam with coulrophobia, fear of clowns hahah and he himself is afraid of hand puppets (and ventriloquist dummies)

Seriously? They're so cute!
Hetty catches him and Nell chatting and gets annoyed, then threatens to seperate them - no, not the dynamic duo of tungsten and ununoctium!!!
Sam and Callen go to the home of the dead clown-robber, and find a tank that used to hold a snake - and is now empty. Sam pulls his gun - he probably has ophidiophobia (fear of snakes) too ahahaha.
Kensi goes to the hospital to talk to the injured guard; he has a head wound and can't remember anything, not just from the robbery, but about his life. His wife and kids are sitting in the waiting room but he doesn't recognize them. How sad. :(
Nell found the shop where the costumes were purchased, and when Kensi and Granger go to talk to the owner, we learn a) that Granger has a sense of humour, and b) the pirate-man, named Duncan Walsh, was the one who paid for the costumes.
Then Eric acts out a debate between the robbers (making them sound like whiny school kids) over which costume they each would wear, and made me LAUGH haha love him! And he asks Nell 'if I were to rob a bank, I'd be a cowboy. You?' and she gives him a look like:
Whatchu talkin' bout, Eric??
and informs him that she wouldn't rob a bank to begin with, but clearly he has given this too much thought. HA!
So Callen and Sam go to pirate-man's house (I am just gonna refer to them by their costumes, there are waaay too many names to keep straight lol) and find Hawiian-shirt, plaid-shirt, and another guy who I don't remember seeing in costume, dead on the ground, bound up and shot execution-style, with no sign of the pirate - or the gold. They realise Gorilla-man is also still missing. And they re-enact the monkey/gorilla debate from earlier, this time with Kensi.
Apparently someone was sending Duncan a lot of money, which was probably to fund the heist, and Kensi figures out, based on his credit card and phone records, that he has a girlfriend.
Kensi goes to interview the girlfriend, who doesn't know where he is, yadda yadda, and then runs out the back door (where of course Kensi catches her).
Then we see Granger and Hetty tensely staring at each other over a desk (the latter drinking tea, naturally) and talking about Deeks. Granger says 'He's not NCIS, so he's none of your concern' and Hetty replies with 'He's still one of my team' and then drops this beautiful line:
"If anything should happen to him, I would take it most personally."
Something tells me Deeks isn't just at court.
Kensi, Callen and Sam find a truck with the dead pirate in it, and then all the gold in the back of it! Wow!

That was easy.
Side note: My mom has one of those buttons haha.. It's so awesome.
Then, of course, Callen thinks 'there's no way gorilla-man would just leave it all to be found' so they test it, and just by drilling into it, Sam is able to use his magic powers to look at it and go 'it's tungsten' (shout out to Eric!) so it's all fake.
SERIOUSLY ROBBERS?! You have room to take an entire stash of gold and hide it somewhere, but you have to make it look like you don't have it anymore?! OBVIOUSLY the Chinese or American government would figure it out eventually, WHY go to all the trouble to make THAT much fake gold?! Some people... End rant.
Suddenly Nell is educating everyone on Eric's favourite element haha and they start talking about the favourite elements again and Sam goes 'ah, young geek love' he's so cute, then he starts laughing at the word 'smelting'. Evidently the gold might have been fake when it was stolen, which means the American gold reserves could have been compromised, which means THE END OF THE WORLD!!
Nell makes yet another throwback to another episode and mentions everybody's favourite word 'frelting' so then they begin talking about snakes and snake shows (Nell wonders if they're like dog shows, and Eric knows too much about both!).
Then Kensi and Granger have a 'strange encounter', which I didn't really pay attention to, because it sounded like stupid political stuff, and I'm tired. They uncover a company called Carlisle Industries (typical sketchy name) that purchased a smelting furnace a crapload of tungsten, so they go to visit this place, Kensi goes in undercover and gets patronised by a goliath of a receptionist, so she knocks him out and they all sneak in. I'm finding it odd that Granger's not accompanying them in the feild anymore, now it's just a partnership of three. Also there's a gorilla mask lying IN PLAIN sight on a counter. Seriously? And why is the smelting room so dark?! Is that so they can be nominated for some kind of creative lighting award?
And one of the bad guys tried to throw a bunch of molten metal at Sam and they take him out.
OMG hahaha Callen ran a clever scheme where he threatens to send one of the 2 guys they arrested to China for questioning, and they obviously turn on one another.
Kensi finds out that the security guard is getting his memory back and they learn the gorilla-man was an Iranian terrorist trying to threaten the American infrastructure. Really?! THAT was their plan?!
Also Eric and Nell are leaving simultaneously, which causes the others to be uber-suspicious and Nellric to flounder for an acceptable response. HMMM what are those two up to?!!
We'll find out next week... (or, in my case, right now!)
Thanks for tuning in, and as I always encourage you to (but no one ever listens...) please leave a comment!!!

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