Wednesday 26 December 2012

HIMYM - 'The Over-Correction'

Ted refuses to lend things to people because they never return them, which is the reason he's no longer friends with Stewart. Haha I love how they have that guy randomly pop up in the weirdest places.
Robin is all (surprise surprise) unhappy about Barney dating Patrice, and Ted says it's an over-correction ('How dare you! And what is that?!') apparently it's when someone dates someone and it didn't end well, so next they date someone who is the total opposite of the first person (Barney is dating Patrice to get over Quinn.) 
Nobody asked you to date Barney!!
Also Marshall and Lily are having issues about where Marshall's mom will stay while she's in town, because apparently there isn't enough room in their apartment with Mickey there all the time.
Robin decides she's going to steal the Playbook because Patrice doesn't believe it exists. Right, that sounds sane... She finds a hidden compartment, but the Bro Code is in there, and another one, with the autobiography of David Lee Roth haha. Then Barney comes into his apartment and Robin is trapped!
And then Marshall walks in on his mom and Mickey sleeping together!!! Ewww...
Barney stole and then broke Ted's ornaments and Ted gets him to leave by telling him that Hugh Hefner is in the lobby of his building, and Robin finds the Playbook by tripping over his Storm Trooper figurine! Aaand she gets traped back in the closet. Where Ted's red cowboy boots are hidden. So he tries to get back into the apartment and ends up being trapped himself in the living room closet. So Robin calls Lily and it turns out Lily is in Barney's other bedroom closet LMAO because she was there pumping milk for Marvin to get away from her father. Robin leaves the Playbook out in plain sight where she knows Patrice will see it, and they realise who has most of Ted's stuff (Robin and Barney both have random things, Lily has his cooler, and Mickey the 'Vote for Ted' sweater) and then Patrice is all upset about the Playbook so Barney burns it!! OMG!!
Don't worry, there are millions of copies left around the world!!
Lily is all freaked out when she finds out about Mickey and Marshall's mom, OF COURSE!! I mean who wouldn't be!! And technically, they're kinda-sorta related!! In the in-law sense!! Plus, Mickey is just gross >.<
Robin freaks out about how happy Barney is with Patrice, and says they need to have an intervention for him, but the gang has one for her instead haha with the return of the Intervention banner!! I missed that thing!!

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