Saturday 6 April 2013

Big Bang Theory - 'The Closet Reconfiguration'

I have been super-busy with school and the like, so I am very sorry I am so behind with everything - trying to catch up! This episode originally aired March 14th, and there is one more to go until I'm caught up - the next new one doesn't air until the 25th.
Howard is throwing all his stuff in Bernadette's closet, and she says they need to tidy it up, unless - Howard suggests - they show the closet to Sheldon and 'the demons in his head take over' and he'll tidy it!
Then the gang comes over for dinner and despite the fact that Bernadette made Thai food from scratch, Sheldon brought his own takeout.
Sheldon is organizing Howard's stuff by season, not by colour like Howard wanted, which confuses me - I don't think Howard's clothes have 'seasons', he wears the same kind of outfit year-round. Turtleneck under a button-up shirt, with skinny jeans and an awesome belt buckle. That's it. 
It's kind of a uniform...

Sheldon finds a letter in the closet from Howard's dad. Which, naturally, he opens, because he needs to know whether it would be classified under 'personal correspondance' or 'memorabilia'.
Howard refuses to read the letter, which showed up on his 18th birthday, because he still won't forgive his father for abandoning him. So he decides to burn it, which sets off the smoke alarm, and that causes another problem because neither of them can reach the ceiling to turn it off.
Leonard and Penny decide to have a dinner party, but a fancy one, not one where people 'dress up' in capes and costumes. Teehee.
Bernadette wants to know what the letter said, but can't bring herself to ask Sheldon about it, so Penny agrees to ask him about it while Bernadette is there.
The girls corner him in the laundry room and ask about the letter. After some haggling, he agrees to tell them.
Raj is helping Leonard plan the dinner party and wants the theme to be 'turn of the cantury Moulin rouge' hahah. Then Sheldon comes into the room with his laundry and tells Leonard sarcastically that he was 'pulling off a heist at the museum of laundry baskets'. Then Leonard and Raj inquire about the letter and he decides to tell them too because Penny would have told them anyways.
When Bernadette and Howard arrive at the party, she decides to tell him that she knows about the letter, and he storms in to the apartment to scream at Sheldon - who then decides to use Amy as a human shield.
When everyone tells Howard that they know about the letter too, he storms out.
Eventually Bernadette finds him in the closet looking at photos of him and his father when he was young, and she tells him she has a surprise for him, and leads him out into the living room -
where the gang is waiting, so somber-looking you'd think they were at a funeral.
They tell him that they came to a decision, to all tell him things that could have possibly been the contents of the letter, that way he would know, and not know at the same time. And maybe a funeral is an appropriate analogy, because what they all said made me cry!! Here they are:
Raj: "It was a card for your 18th birthday, inside it said 'happy birthday Howard, I love you, Dad.' And it was a Far Side card? The one where the frog has his tongue stuck to the bottom of an airplane? He thinks it's a fly. Silly frog." (That sounds made-up, typical Raj's imagination to be so detailed haha)
Sheldon: "It was a map, leading to the famous buried treasure of a pirate named One-Eyed Willie". (Nice try Sheldon, Howard knew that was the plot of Goonies)
Come on, of course he would have seen Goonies and known the reference Sheldon was making!!!

Amy: "You didn't know it, but your father was in the auditorium at your highschool graduation, and he cried because he was so proud of you." (Lots of tears at that one)
Penny: "It was a letter, explaining that your dad wasn't who he said he was. Eventually his old life caught up to him, and the only way to keep you and your mom safe was to leave." (That one's so sad, I hope it's not true!)
Leonard: "Your dad wrote about how family is the most important thing, and you should never throw it away like he did." (Wise words, even if Leonard made them up)
Bernadette: "In the envelope was a picture of your dad holding you on the day you were born. On the back he wrote 'Howard, my son, my greatest gift.'" (SO MANY TEARS!!)
They decide to go back to the party, and on the way Sheldon tells Howard that there are some 'saucy bits' in Bernadette's diary HAHAHAHA!!!
Then Sheldon goes and cleans Penny's closet... And finds some 'interesting' things in there too... But we'll leave that for next week.
This episode was a lot more emotional than I expected, but it was nice to see one centered around Howard as a grown man with real emotions, rather than just his typical, horndog self. I actually felt bad for him. But damn, I really want to know which one of the 'letters' was real!!!

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