Thursday 16 April 2015

Bones - The Baker in the Bits

Hey hey hey, finishing up on the catching-up on Bones. Yay! This is the episode from last week (April 9th).

A guy who has clearly been stabbed is being chased by a guy with a knife, escapes by climbing over a fence, gets blown up. See, THAT is why you always pay attention to warning signs.

Booth is freaking out because he lost a photo, Brennan finds it, and shows off it's because of archaeology. The explosion was from a mine, it's illegal to blow things up after dark but that doesn't really help him now...
Vaziri is being weird, Brennan won't let him talk to Cam about personal stuff at work, because Brennan.
What happened to Cam with this attitude?? (Bonus: live Sweets)
Aubrey is eating again and apparently he believes in reincarnation. What a cutie.

Angela IDs the victim, he was an ex-convict, cos he had a prison gang tattoo. Also they finally figure out he was stabby-stabbed. Turns out Vaziri's brother in Iran is dying of cancer, and he wants to go back to Iran to see him even though he was expelled from the country and he'd be risking his life because he left before that happened so on a technicality he might be allowed back in.

The victim's girlfriend surprises Aubrey in a towel at the victim's house, and he's clearly been taking some lessons from Booth in the wry-delivery of bad news department. On an unrelated note, Hodgins has tied Angela up in bed but doesn't want to return the favour. Interesting... (She also doesn't want to do it again)

The victim, Connor, worked at a bakery, one that employs exclusively ex-cons. They all look stereotypically tough and muscular, because typecasting! Brennan correctly points out that if Aubrey went with them to visit the bakery, he'd "eat everything in sight. But not literally."
Pictured: Aubrey around any type of baked good. 
Cam and Vaziri argue some more, he says that leaving is the only choice he has because he has to help and he doesn't care if something bad happens to him. Which also means he doesn't care if he leaves Cam all alone. So she ends the argument by very formally calling him 'Mr. Vaziri'. Ouch.

Turns out the victim was involved in a convenience store robbery, and the clerk at the store got shot (not killed, but she was paralyzed) and even though the other robbers testified that Connor wasn't in on the plan to rob the store, the clerk's brother had been harassing and threatening Connor ever since he got out on parole. And he would come into the bakery and cause trouble (which I think is a dumb idea considering all the tough guys that work there had him outnumbered... But whatever). Aubrey does not support the concept of vigilante justice.

Oh lord. Cam and Angela are talking about ATP. As a former science student, I hate ATP. ATP is evil. Just thinking about that and cellular respiration and crap gives me a headache. Turns out Connor was on a lot of drugs at the time he died. His girlfriend knew about it, he was taking all her money to feed his drug habit.

Brennan think's it's silly for Vaziri to go back to Iran, Booth is also worried about it, Cam is resourceful and has spoken to a bunch of people (including the always-pleasant Alex from Homeland Security, but that conversation happened off-screen) who told her the same thing - THE RISK IS TOO DAMN HIGH!

Apparently Connor was also discussing robbing a place, to get more money for his drug habit. Angela does some computer magic, and something to do with parking meters, and they realize that he was casing out a check-cashing place. We have this adorable exchange between Hodgins and Aubrey:
Then Angela looks at the staff list for the check cashing place to see if he had 'someone on the inside' and they recognize a name - which Hodgins show-offishly informs everyone "That's the victim's girlfriend!" Um, yeah, Aubrey already knows. He's the one who's already met her...

She still says she didn't help him.

Cam confronts Vaziri because he was looking for tickets to Iran on a work computer and left the browser open (subtle, dude) and he gives her a beautiful speech about how much he loves his country and needs to be there holding his brother's hand. Very touching and then they kiss and Hodgins walks in and it's awkward again.
Although I guess Cam has been on the RECIEVING end of her fair share of awkward moments.
About time she turned the tables. 
Angela works her magic based on some particulates, then Booth and Aubrey go to an abandoned metalworks plant, which, just from the angle they're shooting at, looks an awful lot like the abandoned factory from Season 1 episode 15 'Two Bodies in the Lab' (don't ask me why I thought of that randomly, probably because it was the episode Adam Baldwin AKA Chuck's John Casey was in). Are they recycling shooting locations? Shame on them,

Anyway, Aubrey is really creeped out by this place, and they find blood, and then they see THREE MORE SKELETONS in an incinerator - WOAH did not see that one coming!! And then Booth sees something even creepier, a bunch of tattoos that have been CUT OUT of people and strung up to dry. Now, CSI already did an episode like this way back in the day - someone was 'collecting' the tattoos cut out of people's bodies - but other than that, I must say...
To the writers of course. For that plot twist. I never 'Bravo!'-tea-GIF a serial killer. 
DUUDE I think the killer is the owner of the bakery. I think the victims are all ex-cons who worked at the bakery. Brennan suspects a weird ritualistic angle to the killings. One of the victims was a priest. (Priest with a tattoo? Rock on). The second victim was an ex-con who was in the same prison as Connor and some of the guys at the bakery. They think it's one of the guys from the bakery - because when he was a kid he'd belonged to the church that the priest worked at,

Booth and Aubrey have the bakery owner plan a meetup with the missing guy in a parking garage, he freaks out before he even sees them, attacks his boss, and Booth has to shoot - but only to injure. And now I feel bad for the boss guy - partly for accusing him of being a serial killer, and partly because he seemed to crushed to find out one of the guys he vouched for and trusted turned out to be a serial killer. Poor guy.

And the ending scene is with Cam and Vaziri this time around - he tells her his brother is getting worse, she gives him some research she did because she wants his brother to get better, he tells her he booked a flight and he's leaving in a few hours. She starts crying and tells him to come back to her and someone must have let an onion ninja into my room because I need a tissue.  So I guess we won't be seeing much of him for a while.
Although while we're on the topic of squinterns -  where the hell has Finn been?!! I need more of him!!

So that's it for last week's episode, hope you enjoyed it! I'll get tonight's episode done and up as soon as possible, I promise (just have to wait for someone to upload it!) I didn't watch it live because I wasn't finished this one yet and also there was a Blue Jays game on that I wanted to watch - turned out to be a massive disappointment. But that's how it goes.

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