Thursday 12 January 2012

The Bachelor Week 1

I have never been a huge fan of the Bachelor/Bachelorette series. I've always found them unrealistic and mildly stupid (maybe I will later write a posting about why). However, I had a special request from a dear friend (haha you know who you are) to follow this season... And I did catch a few bits and peices of last year's Bachelorette and Ben was one of my favourites - when he was turned down and got all mad it broke my heart! He's such a sweetie and kind of like a big puppy dog. He's incredibly cute too of course - I always thought he kind of looked like Josh Groban.

First impressions - Courtney seemed really sweet in the second episode but in the first episode she seems really conceited and fake... Weird watching this out of order haha
Shawn seemed so sweet and funny her kid was adorable and then she slugged Ben on the arm haha that was hilarious
Lyndsie J (the Brit) was a little freaky with all her outfits and languages and 'guns'... and her 'butt chin dimple' lol she's a dork which was cute with her poem but she talked really fast!
Jenna (the blogger) sounded a little crazy when she said she was 'coming for Ben'... Is she gonna kill him? And she sounded really insecure when she was going on about 'why can't I find love?'... And then she was being creepy with the awkward silences once she met him AGH I'm glad she left week 2 she makes me uncomfortable!!!
Amber B (the Bacon) was cute and it was so sad how she had to raise her own siblings... And she's Canadian! Ben loves Canada teehee
One of the country girls (Can't remember her name.. She was blonde) kept shooting things in her intro... kinda scary lol
Erika (the law student) told him right off the bat that he was 'guilty of being sexy' like wtf? Who says that?
Elyse was a little creepy by telling him she was 'gonna make him sweat'...
We have an Emily! Studying diseases... lmao she gave him sanitizer XD
Samantha wanted to prove she was 'more than a pageant girl'... So why wear the sash??
Casey S was pretty but didn't say much lol
Amber T returned around the fountain just in case he didnt believe in love at first sight so he could see her again... but at least he laughed!
Holly from Kentucky with a giant hat I found that funny and so did he!
Shira knows everything about wine... KIDDING but she likes to drink it and already seemed a little tipsy!
Blakely already seemed a tad creepy when she insisted she was the ONLY Southerner there... Ben was like 'yea OK haha please dont hurt me!' And I know there's more to come of her!!
Sheryl the old lady on the crutches wasn't even a contestant but she just showed up to introduce her granddaughter Brittney who was a sweetie and Ben loved it! But the other girls were being bitchy about the grandma, I mean seriously? She seemed like a nice lady... Although if she was in love with him and he end up with Brittney, there may be some jealousy issues!!!
Nicki didn't really make much of an impression... she told him he was 'precious' though lol
Dianna forgot what she was gonna say I felt bad for her :( but he was so nice about it
I liked Jennifer (the redhead) she's so pretty and she was cute with her numbers haha (and I loved her dress!!)
Anna walked right past him without saying anything which he thought was a 'bold move' but I thought was weird lol
I liked Jaclyn she was nice and said 'hug it out' which idk why made me laugh
Lyndzi C with the horse was charming but seemed a little conceited :/ And the other girls were PISSED about that horse!
The others didn't really catch my attention apparently lol I think I missed 4?

Ben was so cute when he came in and very sympathetic to the way they were feeling - I mean he's been there himself, so he must know it is! He's awesome I felt so bad for him when Ashley turned him down and he was kind of rude to her when he was leaving, but you can't really blame him.
Rachel is one of the girls I missed before! Who the hell leaves their job for the Bachelor? American Idol or something, I could see MAYBE because there is the possibility to make millions off that, but even then, jeez.
I missed Nicki too, before. She is very bubbly which is endearing and her accent is cute but her eyes and smile are always VERY wide open, like she has had too much coffee. And she was the one who was married very young so we'll see what happens there...

Awe more of Brittney and her grandma... It was so cute that Ben walked the grandma to her car :) Except it was kind of odd that initially she didn't give Brittney much of a chance to talk... And the others attacking her, seriously? Get over it! He's such a family guy so she played that perfectly! They're just mad that they didnt think of it first!
I love that Ben gets so happy to see Chris the host-man LOL he started clapping XD The room got dead silent when the rose got laid on the table they all got those bitchy faces on... There's gonna be some trouble up in here!!
The blindfolding/feeding courtesy of Dianna was so weird ... But WEIRDER was Emily rapping... and comparing love to a disease! Oh dear God! I guess he has a good sense of humour because she's still there!

I also missed Monica before, and now what the hell's going on with her?? Jenna had a point when she said that if she didn't feel attracted to him she would have 'excused myself and left' so is that what Monica is saying? Does she really only want to be there to party? How did I not catch this vibe on the second episode? Also if that's all she's doing, why has Ben not seen right through it?? Jenna turned that into a drama queen moment though... I mean, if she clearly doesnt like you, why keep getting in her face? And why run into the other room and go 'omg she hates me'?? And then Monica and Blakely sitting on the couch getting all cozy - and Monica saying how much she LOVES Blakely and even if she didn't win, that she was there for an 'experience' and Blakely is 'her experience' on the show... We're getting into some weird territory here lol is she drunk? And seriously, CALM DOWN JENNA!
Lmao when the one girl (I think it was Jamie? I missed her at the beginning too lol) said to Ben 'I think there's drama. I don't know. I'm trying so hard not to know!' Finally, that's one girl with her head screwed on straight!

Jenna going on and on about how she 'would not cry' was getting on my nerves... Made me PRAY that I would not act like that because I tend to ramble in situations like that... But it made me like Rachel more that she was trying to mediate without knowing what it was about at all! LOL! Jenna said her disgusting tampon line which Monica blew up over, of course, so she leaves and Jenna cries some more... And then poor Ben came over because Jenna was crying and she asked if he was calm because nobody would dismiss him and I think he got confused she was talking in circles about anxiety and calmness and the other girl there who had been comforting her was like 'Wtf?' Who was that girl? ... Might have been Kacie but I thought she had an accent and that girl didn't... Gah too many females!!! And Jenna's crying again she cried the second episode too but at least she's gone now!
Awwe Ben gave Lindzi C the first rose for first impressions I saw that coming lol but I think I recognized the pillows on that bench... Maybe someone I know has them... LOL you can tell I have the right priorities, here they're having a 'meaningful conversation' and I'm sitting here wishing he would move so I could see more of the pillows hahaha
Jenna was late to the rose ceremony which was super-awkward and of course, Monica had a field day over it... But how the hell is she supposed to know it was happening NOW if she was hiding in the bathroom? That one's not entirely her fault.
The rose ceremony was very awkward... And Monica and Jenna were the last two he gave roses to which was definitely on purpose, at least the way they edited it! I think he should have to at least give the viewers a reason he doesn't choose certain people. Amber the Canadian was very mature as she left I was proud of her when she told him 'You have some great girls over there I wish you all the best'. Lyndsie the Brit was actually really sweet when she left and I felt kind of bad for her, but at least she realised that it wasn't going to be real love if she had to force it. The other Amber cried. I don't know why... I dunno I guess immediate rejection is harsh but it wasn't after much time so I felt bad for her but it seemed a bit of an overreaction :/ That's part of the reason I hate this show. . . That's the end of week 1! Stay tuned!

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