Monday 16 January 2012

NCIS: LA 'Exit Strategy'

Yes, I realize this is nearly a week late. I saw part of it when it was actually on but was nowhere near my computer at the time, and have not had time since to watch online... I have lots to catch up on.

Alright, so we begin this episode with... continuing a story we began like a month ago! With Khaled's sister Jada being protected by secret agents but then are attacked... I dont understand why shows do this where they begin a plotline, leave it at a kind of cliffhanger, have a bunch of filler episodes where they don't even MENTION it, then go back to the plot! It hurts my brain...
I have to admit, when I first saw them getting in that car, I expected it to blow up O.o But it just got run into and whatnot... Explosives would have been more effective haha
And what's this? No credits? Weird
And Miguel Ferrer's character Granger has disappeared - which confuses me because I know him from Crossing Jordan as a nice boss guy, and now he's a beaurocratic asshole! The sister knows nothing, of course, but her brother's 'friends' may have been in on it, shocking...
Oh no the British guy Elmsley has vanished! With his family uh-oh... And their cell phones are ditched in the garbage, which is of course suspicious.
'You'd think that a car with front-end damage and bullet holes in the windshield would stand out!' 'This is L.A...' LMAO I love Eric and Nell and he jinxed her and she punched him and actually hurt him XD I love them!! And they definitely like each other... There was a bit of a subplot in another episode where they each sent themselves flowers to make each other jealous, but it never came up again...
Awwe Deeks likes roller rinks.. And then he accidentally insulted Kensi and she punched him haha the girls are kicking some serious butt this week!
Blah blah, some chasing, Kensi was calf-roping champion lol.. Sam threatens to waterboard the guy which I knew was a lie because he used that same trick last week... I think Eric is wearing an Old Navy sweater!
Haha Elmsley got the bad guys to turn around by pointing at the Hollywood sign, clever! But now he is in an abandoned building, and his family is kidnapped that sucks.. And he's holding a grenade... Oh come on, who does that? LMAO Deeks! But they all drop to the floor and it turns out it's only a smoke grenade, which is good for them because my dad said he saw a Mythbusters episode where they said that trick doesnt really work... And Elmsley escapes down a giant tube.
Kensi and Deeks have to go undercover this is epic I love when they do that... And Hetty knew about the waterboarding lol of course she does.
That undercover scene is hilarious I love when Deeks puts on an fake character he's so outrageous!
And now they have decided to have a video-conference with Khaled... I don't know why, but it seems like a bad idea to let him see the inside of the Ops room lol. He said he wouldn't let anyone hurt his sister... But he wants to kill her himself. Lovely.
I don't understand the involvement of the French government in all this, it keeps being brought up ... And then Elmsley tries to kidnap Jada again with another smoke grenade and he opens the car door to Kensi pointing a gun in his face, and they take him and Jada in for questioning... Oh now I get it, the French guys worked for the government but were making deals with Khaled. Got it.
I feel bad for Jada at this point... Sam led her on! Poor woman is now all alone even though she's trying to to the right thing, she's living on the run and doesn't even have the man she thought loved her! That's just sad :(
And they get the family back, it's all good, the bad guy escaped temporarily but they got him later..
Awwwe Nell brought Eric soda and she had been Facebook-stalking him so she knew his favourite that's so cute! And then Hetty steals it LMAO she's a genius.
Ooh suspense at the end when Hetty tells Sam that Khaled has been found, through his IP address (that's my Eric!) you know he's gonna be TAKEN DOWN!
I give this week 6 smoke grenades out of 10... It was sufficietly kickass and I like that it (partly) wrapped up that one plot from before... But there weren't any epic explosions or gunfights, and there were no memorable lines. I did, however, love all the jinxing and cute flirty stuff between Nell and Eric :)
I shall be back next week! (or, youknow, tomorrow...)

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