Tuesday 12 March 2013

Glee - 'I do'

Yaaay Valentine's Day.. I realize that it's almost a month after, I am finally catching up. Finn is really upset and is talking to Rachel about how he smooched Emma out of the blue - remember that?? The neckline on his shirt is looking like a priest's collar and it's distracting me. Rachel thinks it's because he's upset over her and Brody and he finally sets her straight - 'Not everything is about you!' HAHA! That's my boy! :P
Emma is freaking out and tells Finn to get over it because she has other things on her mind - like which of the incestuously-dating Glee kids can tolerate one another - and Will's back!!
Everyone is wearing pink, red, and maroon hahaha except for Finn and Ryder lol - I find this weird. Strategic costuming plan, or random coincidence that they're both single? The theme of their assignment is a wedding, and Will wants Finn to sing instead of giving a best man speech. Which is good, because Finn's not so good with the words.
Emma is cleaning Artie's locker and telling him who he'll be sitting next to at the wedding. Then Marley gives Jake a really cute gift - cufflinks she made for him of his initials from an old typewriter!! And he says she'll love her gift from him - and then he admits to Ryder that he hasn't bought one later. He says he's been talking to Puck for ideas, and Ryder says 'I know you're related to that guy, but he's kind of creepy'. HAHAHA!! So he suggests that he make it Valentine's Week instead of Day. Aww!!
Rachel meets with Finn (late, because the diva was getting a spray tan) and they decide to sing together at the wedding, and then she bites her lip and says he looks cute, and I roll my eyes. That girl. Like seriously.
And then they're in History (which I was unaware Mr. Schue taught - when did that happen?) and Jake comes in wearing a ridiculous red tux and Ryder says 'Oh my goodness, are you about to sing to Marley to declare your love in front of a whole class? That's so brave and emotionally vulnerable, I had no idea - oh wait, I did!' HAHAHA I love that guy he's adorable and hilarious! Then everyone shows up and they sing 'You're All I Need to Get By' and she joins them, naturally. But when the song ends, there's a closeup of Ryder and he looks sad, lonely, jealous - and a little bit like a brown-eyed John Travolta. Something about his chin and sideburns.

I know Blaine's got the greaser hair down, but maybe his lookalike status is another reason Ryder was cast as Danny in Grease...
At the wedding, Santana and Quinn discuss how much weddings, Valentine's Day, and men suck (in that order).
Blaine and Kurt are making out in a car, and I would like to steal a line from Friends' Phoebe here: "OH MY GOD!!! YOU GUYS KISSED!! THIS IS A HUGE DEAL!!! WHAT DOES THIS MEAN??!!!" They're interrupted by Mercedes tapping on the window and telling them she needs her arm-gays.
There are flowers on Marley's pew - peonies, her favourite (but I definitely saw some roses and calla lillies in that bouquet, too!), she assumes they're from Jake, and everyone acts like they are, but it's clear that was Ryder's doing. Poor guy.
Arty meets the aforementioned Betty, who is apparently Emma's neice (I didn't catch that before) and is also in a wheelchair, and she turns him down oh-so-rudely because he's not 'nerd-hot like Andrew Garfield'. 
Bullshit!! He's adorable!!!

And he's not nerd-hot, he's just normal hot.
Emma is getting ready but freaks out and then Sue shows up wearing an exact replica of Emma's wedding dress, because, somehow, that's a way to get revenge on Will. Also, I would like to point out that this is her third marriage in 4 years - that's really fast, even for TV. Even for Ross. I love being able to work Friends references into everything. But this dress is much more 'her' than the first one she had.. It was weird, I always thought it was on backwards. 
Remember guys? This one? It's weird, right?
MUUUUUCH better! Very Kate Middleton. But with pouffy skirt.
Everyone starts singing about marriage - Emma very fast - and Will looks all excited, and I'm pretty sure it's something from a musical. She then takes off and runs outside the church like a spy, hiding behind pillars and stuff, then hops into a cab. WHAAAAT??!!!!
Brad the piano guy (remember, the one who hates the Glee kids?) is playing te organ, and Becky storms down the aisle as flower girl - then it's SUE coming through the door! THAT BITCH!!!! She says she's trying 'to stop this from being an utter fiasco' and tells him that Emma's taken off.
Now the church is empty and Finn and Will are sitting talking, and both of them clearly feel responsible for what happened, until Santana comes in (dressed like a hooker, complete with fur stole) and says that the Pilsburys want the reception to continue. So Finn goes to join the glee peeps at the party, and Will goes to try to find Emma. Wow, a lot of these 'close friends and family' don't seem to care that Will and Emma are gone/ sad. Quinn and Santana get drunk and talk about how much better they are than everyone else. 
I see their egos have not taken a hit at all...
Clearly Blaine and Kurt have been apart for a really long time, because their dance moves are horribly out of sync. And Tina's glaring at them the whole time.
Ryder got another gift for Marley - a necklace, which she loves, and Jake thinks he's going to get laid that night and so Ryder gets all horrified. Finn and Rachel decide to dance together, and Artie's 'sweet moves' win over Betty for one dance.
What follows is an adorable montage to a horrible song, of everyone dancing, except Tina who is glowering, and then when the boys are done singing she confronts Kurt and he tells her off that she's 'creepy' and she tells him how she's been there for Blaine and including putting Vapo-rub on his chest while he was asleep. Then Kurt is all "What? You Vapo-Raped my boyfriend? Don't you walk away from me!!"
Sue decides to throw the pilfered bouquet, and Rachel catches it - because, after all, everything is about her. Then Finn follows her out of the room and says 'you only would have caught that if you were single' and then she dodges every one of his questions by saying she and Brody aren't really together - while he drunkenly does the 'she loves me, she loves me not' thing with a daisy.
And then they go to sing, and all the couples go upstairs into different rooms, including Rachel and Finn, Sam and Britney, Kurt and Blaine, Quinn and Santana (!) and Artie and Betty - who, of course, can sing too! Marley and Jake do too, but apparently don't 'do' anything, and she feels bad. Blaine thinks he and Kurt are going to get back together, Kurt disagrees.
Rachel sneaks out while Finn is asleep, goes back to New York to find that Brody has COVERED their apartment with flowers, streamers, confetti, sparkly things... And he says he spent the last 2 nights alone but a flashback tells otherwise - he was leaving a hotel room with a bunch of cash. I'M SUSPICIOUS! Then they have an 'open relationship' talk and she admits she kissed Finn and says it didn't mean anything. BITCH!
Kurt and Blaine are adorable and cheer Tina up about her singleness, and then Marley goes to thank Ryder for everything, because she knew it was him, and then when she says "whoever you do that for for real will be the luckiest girl in the world," he says "That was for real" And KISSES HER! IN THE SCHOOL HALLWAY!! IN FRONT OF PEOPLE!!! As much as I have wanted that to happen FOREVER, it is GOING TO END BADLY!!!!!!
He apologizes, she takes off, and then apparently no one notices, but he looks really sad.
Finn takes Mr. Schue's coffee, tells him to stop moping, and that he's going to help him find Emma and coach the New Directions to a national championship. Still no word about that kiss.
Betty shows up at the school (because apparently in the USA, random people can just randomly walk - or roll in her case - into random schools that are not their own) and apologizes to Artie for being bitchy to him when they first met, and that it was because she was nervous. He tells her 'Give me your digits, woman' so he can take her on a date, and then they roll off down the hall as he lists all the things they could do - like go to Paris and dance under the Arc d'Triomphe. 
I know that it's very Hollywood cliche, but I love that he has a girl who is at his eye level!! So cute :)
The gang all gets onstage and does an awesome rendition of Ellie Goulding's 'Anything Could Happen' - a song which, I must say, my favourite part of, is those background vocals... We used to play it at my work and I would jam out hahaha! But while they're all dancing and singing and wearing purple, Mr. Schue is looking at pictures of Emma on his phone and looking all sad... Then Marley and Ryder make awkward eye contact and they look uncomfortable, Jake notices and looks confused. And Rachel is shown in bed with Brodie looking through a personal planner and then she gets up and leaves.
Ryder is really flexible, he was almost in the splits at one point, and balloons fall from the ceiling and they all dance around in them. Aww...
And we see Rachel looking at a pregnancy test. HOLY CRAP!!!! Thank goodness I have another episode to watch after this, because I COULD NOT HAVE BEEN ABLE TO STAND THAT CLIFFHANGER!!!!

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