Saturday 15 November 2014

The Big Bang Theory - The Septum Deviation

Sheldon has no problem admitting that he loves himself... Poor Amy, she probably got that one on prom night and hasn't heard it since. He thinks Tesla is a 'poor man's Sheldon Cooper'. Haha.

Leonard needs surgery to repair his deviated septum - and Sheldon only complained about Leonard's snoring for 5 or 6 years, that's not too long! He disagrees with Leonard's choice to get the surgery, and doesn't even know who Jay-Z is. (Come on dude, you can do better than that. My grandmother knows who he is!)
She also knew who Alicia Keys and Beyonce were. I was so proud.
Raj's parents are less-than-happily celebrating their 40th anniversary, and Bernadette is annoyed with Howard's insensitivity enough to threaten not to make it to 40 years with him..

Poor Raj! His parents are splitting up and he says he's totally fine with it but HOW CAN HE BE OK, HE COMES FROM A BROKEN HOME! (His words, not mine).

Amy can fit 56 fava beans in her mouth, and she's a terrible liar so she admits she's covering for Leonard in driving Sheldon to work so he can get the surgery. But you see, the concern he feels is not for Leonard, but for himself missing out on the opportunity to say 'I told you so' if something goes wrong.
We all know he loves doing that.

And Sheldon channels his inner Shawn from Psych and tells Penny that 'I assume you've already been treated for the burns on your posterior.'

Bernadette tries to cheer Raj up with a basket of muffins and some muffin-related puns, and manages to make me hungry in the process.

The power in the hospital went out because there was a slight earthquake (what, no backup generator?) and Sheldon freaks out even more, runs into a wall and breaks his nose. That's a pretty funny coincidence, though, I was in a lab yesterday morning and the power went out.. But at least I got to go home early!! (And I didn't run into a wall because we had a backup generator!)
With all these things that could have gone wrong, I'd be worried too.
Howard's only problem with Bernadette is apparently that she's too... beautiful. And hang on, they made such a giant dish of pasta for only the two of them? And they've both already got a heaping plateful, who is all that pasta for?!

Both Sheldon and Leonard have bandaged noses it's so funny. And Leonard and Bernadette are passively-aggressively telling one another the things they 'love' about each other. Apparently Raj and Howard went to couple's therapy.. Awkward.

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