Wednesday 21 March 2012

CSI - 'CSI Unplugged'

Oooh Las Vegas CSI in the dark, eh? This'll be good :P
We open with a little boy who loves space being tucked into bed by... His sister? Babysitter? I'm praying nothing happens to them.. Then we see blood on the mobile and then the bed - which is empty. According to Russel, the girl was his nanny and she's missing, too. The boy's father, Mr. Riordan discovered them missing - said he was asleep but he was dressed in a tuxedo -.- Asleep, my ass.
There's blood on the ceiling in the boy's room - but more importantly, Saturn's missing from his mobile lol
Hodges gets into an elevator with Henry lol uh-oh I can see where that's going
Finn finds a print in the blood, she sends it to Morgan who's running it when the computer goes in the fritz and all the lights in the WHOLE CITY go out woah it's eerie but kinda cool :P 'All the -ISes are down' lol they can't run any evidence, that's unfortunate... Henry's desperately trying to break out of the elevator lol I don't blame him - but I don't understand how Hodges gets cell reception in an elevator that's part of an underground parking garage. INCONSISTENCIES!
Finn notices that a rug from the boy's bedroom is missing - makes sense that the kid would have been wrapped up in it. And apparently the dad was dressed in his tux and asleep because he fell was going to go out but he fell asleep watching TV. And they find out that his wife had died 5 years ago.
Finn thinks the father may have abused the boy, he said that Harper (the kid) had fallen and cut his chin, so they use that bandage to do blood-typing analysis - and the blood isn't Harper's. Then Nick and Sara find Saturn lying in some bushes along a path behind the house - next to it is the rolled up carpet from the bedroom, which they unroll to find the nanny - dead. And there's a knife and a note with 'We have Harper', written in blood. David makes some crazy light-in-a-bottle contraption so that Doc Robbins can do the autopsy.
Morgan can't figure out what the white powder from the bedroom is, so Greg suggests she use a super-retro microscope from the display case at the lab. Aaand Henry and Hodges can't get out of their 'metal box', because the elevator techs are, themselves, stuck in a metal box at the Palermo... Oh, irony! But they need to get the evidence out somehow, so that Morgan and Greg can analyse it - And Henry has to pee.
Morgan discovers that the powder contains traces of some drug (whose name I didn't catch) that can be used as a painkiller or a sedative - and the father had the drug in his medicine cabinet. Also, there was blood on the HANDLE of the knife used to kill the nanny which matched the father's blood type. So they haul him all the way over to the station, just to interrogate him - even though they could have just done that when they were already at the house -.- Turns out his wife had drowned 'suspiciously' in their pool, something which makes Brass believe that the father had killed her in a fit of rage, and he had done the same to the nanny - then disposed of his son, who was the only witness. BUT HOLY CRAP the wife wasn't Harper's real mother, in fact the nanny, Shelby was his mother - wihch is even more motive to kill the wife!
The father says that the knife was his and he used it to cut himself to make a 'sacrifice' to the dead during a séance in an effort to contact his dead wife.
And they find a fingerprint on the headboard matching a fingerprint on the 'we have Harper' note but not matching the father's. And then the kidnapper calls the father, demanding money to be delivered at 8 a.m. Then D.B. talks to Riordan's mother-in-law, who was at the séance, and apparently knew that Rearden kept $2 million worth of his wife's jewelery in his safe. Brass, being his usual awesome sarcastic self, interviews the medium and she says that the wife's spirit said something about Riordan needing to 'find peace', which upset him.
Brass and Nick are watching Riordan make the ransom drop (not hiding very well, if these kidnappers are smart they woulda noticed them - and it's the morning, the storm is over, how is the power not back on by now??!!) and some guy in a red hat gets out of a van which was parked the whole 20+ minutes they were sitting there, crosses the garage to Riordan and takes him back over to the van. Riordan gets into the back of the van, and they pull away, Nick notices that the back window is missing, and they run over to the wall where Nick sees some rappeling gear on the ground beside the building. They stop the van and it's Riordan, the father driving! Apparently red-hat man gave him an address and told him he would find Harper there. Then they hear gunshots from down the street, and find red-hat man dead in a different van with the case full of jewels in the backseat. Riordan's all upset cos he thinks that they got his son killed - apparently red-hat guy's fingerprints matched the ones from the house, but the address he had given the father was a vacant lot anyway, so that's a dead end.
They figure out that some of the jewelery was missing, but only Natalie (the wife)'s wedding ring - and they notice that the nanny couldn't have possibly been Harper's biological mother, because their bloodtypes are not compatible for a mother and son. He was actually Natalie's, but Shelby was a surrogate. And Riordan covered that up - which makes no sense, because that's significantly less scandalous than him having an affair -.-
Apparently Natalie had thrown her wedding ring in the pool after having a drunken fight with her husband, and then after they made up she jumped into the pool to retrieve the ring, but she was still drunk and drowned. Evidently someone using her name had also sent a wire transfer of $10,000 to red-hat guy. Aaaand it turns out it was actually the medium, Karen, pretending to be Natalie. They go to her house and find a bunch of Natalie's stuff, and they realise that she was crazy and thought she was Natalie, which is why she killed Shelby and took Harper. But Harper's OK, they found him in a closet in Karen's house.
As for Karen, she was facedown in Riordan's pool wearing Natalie's dress - and wedding ring. Psycho.
Happy ending, for the most part, though. Thank goodness.
And Henry and Hodges are finally out of that elevator :P

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