Thursday 22 March 2012

How I Met Your Mother - 'Broath'

LMFAO Barney has a 'monk guy' haha of course this is actually a good start to an episode.
Plus Ted's name is Evelyn :P
And he can't keep a 'broath' to save his life... It looks so weird in that apartment now cos it's all Lily and Marshall's stuff but in Ted's old apartment. And Barney's whipped O.O And Marshall's telling sex stories about 'some chick' lol subtle, man XD
But omg this is so funny that Ted's staying in university housing and there are his, Lily's and Marshall's younger counterparts!! Also I definitely recognize that 'Ned' guy from somewhere... AH! I got it! It's the guy who plays Lucas from Pretty Little Liars!! But with glasses!! And Robin has issues!
Plus Lily's an epic snoop lol but poor Barney cos I thought they were just overreacting, based on the money-scam-'manager's watching' thing from last week, but then she supposedly got nicer, but now she's beign a total controlling bitch!
and YAAAYYY! The intervention banner's back!! Except now it's the 'Quinntervention' banner teehee I normally hate puns, but with Marshall delivering them, I actually kinda enjoy them :P
And Barney's mad than Evelyn broke the Broath, so he whips out a fake-history lesson... INVOILVING CEASAR AND NINJAS! Ok now I see where all those photos that NPH tweeted with the unconscious ninjas came from :P
But awe no the Hawaii trip was Quinn's surprise for Barney, so she wasn't using him entirely... And she's pissed!! And she slapped him really hard, that shoulda counted as one for the slap-bet haha (How many do they have left on that thing? 1? 2?).
Poor Robin - and poor Barney! Everyone's so sad!
Lol so he makes them all take another Broath - and makes Lily and Robin kiss lol awwwkward... HAHAH he makes Ted and Marshall kiss too XD but he didn't mean to do that, he was gonna make them bump fists!!!
AWWWW MAN they were messing with everyone! Super-clever-and-devious!!! I shoulda known, considering Barney's Scuba Diver routine, remember that?? One of my fave episodes ever :P And now they really are moving in together! Kinda odd but cute... Robin got promoted!! And Ted gets Quinn's apartment! But it's so cool, I'm looking forward to that one..
And Marshall and Lily are so incredibly cute together lol and they're funny too - one of my fave TV couples.
Hahahaha now the university students are filling in like his kids 'your stories are waaay too long, man'.

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