Wednesday 28 March 2012

NCIS:LA - 'Vengeance'

You know a TV show is off to a promising start when something blows up within the first 5 seconds! :P
In this case, it's a bus/RV type thing... It's orange but it wasn't really shaped like a school bus, not that I got a good look at it before it exploded! Ok we get a better look as the dust settles, and it was, in fact a school bus, but it was an old retro-y-foreign-y one lol... And it was blown up, on purpose, by some army guys! With a giant rocketlauncher. Then they go to blow up the truck beside it, and - nothing. The guy in charge radios and asks to have the 'dud' of an explosive cleared out ASAP. The bomb guys go in using a robot with a camera, but they can't seem to find the shell... They find a dead guy instead.
Back in Ops, Eric is complaining about losing some video game, because a new player 'Hotshot7' keeps beating him. Sam and Callen find this entertaining - and even moreso when they find out that it's Hetty! And she was teaching Eric a lesson for playing video games on the big screen XD And she asks Callen and Sam to 'disarm' him so they take his Xbox and I laugh sooo hard XD
Turns out the dead guy was Ensign Powell, a communications specialist and was found in the training area at the army base. And Deeks craftily gets the car to himself by saying he wants to have a singalong road trip hahahah
They go out to the base and find out that Powell was killed from stabbing, and was dead ages before he was dumped on the artillery range. Sam comes to realise that the injuries on Powell's body indicate that he was killed by a Navy SEAL, or someone trained in the same manner. They also discover that Powell was a 'partier' (Clay Aiken's word from Celebrity Apprentice is making its way into my vocabulary lol) and supposedly a drug user. They find out that a team of SEALs (one of whom got into a fight with Powell abouut a month before his death) is about to take off for Afghanistan to rescue 2 hostages. They get irate when they find out that Callen and Sam are making them hold off their departure time in order to interview them.
One of the SEALs says that the entire team has an alibi for the night Powell was killed - they were at the movies in a nearby town. He denies knowing about the fight between Powell and one of the other SEALs, a guy named David Hodgkins. Hodgkins' ex-girlfriend left him for Powell, but Hodgkins still loved her. They got into a fight because Hodgkins saw Powell chatting up another girl at the bar, and he told him not to hurt the girlfriend, Justine.
Nell finds security footage of Powell leaving the base, going to a mail boxes store, and putting an envelope into his rented box. Hours later, a sketchy guy comes and retrieves the envelope. They go to the house where the sketchy guy lives, and someone shoots at Kensi and Callen through the front door. They bust in and kill two guys inside. A third breaks through the garage door and drives off (almost running over Deeks in the process).
Sam interviews one of the SEALs who had a knife similar to the one used to kill Powell. Kensi, who is watching via video feed, realises that they're 'making him interrogate his own family'. Sam asks the guy about the movie, and then they track down the girl who worked at the movie theater (she agrees with Deeks that Sour Patch Kids are the best movie candy lol) and she remembers seeing all 6 of them there, they were all flirting with a bunch of the theater employees, but she declined their offer to go party, because they were 'kinda old' (Deeks says 'ouch') and she say that some of them were actually married.
Callen still doesn't buy the SEALs' alibi, even tho the candy girl saw them before and after the film, they were trained to get in and out of countries, so a movie theater, in the dark, with plenty of exits would be no problem. And Callen finds a fence at the base which is cut and unmonitored by any camera. He apologetically tells Sam that it was possible for one or more of them to have killed Powell, but Sam still doesn't believe it.
Then Nell and Hetty inform them that the bad guys from the house were Pakistani spies, and that Powell must have been selling them inside information on the military. So probably the SEALs wouldn't have killed over jealousy (Powell taking someone's girlfriend), but 'they might kill a traitor'.
The guy who owned the knife decided to talk to Sam, and said he wanted to confess. He had found out about the exchange of information - but he had stabbed him in the altercation, then bound the wound because he thought it 'wasn't critical' and then realised that Powell somehow died while he was tied up - Foster had been searching his room for more evidence on the secret-selling, and when he turned around, Powell was not breathing. Sam doesn't believe he did all of it by himself, but the SEAL (Foster) says he confessed to protect the hostage-rescue mission, since he is under arrest, he believed that the rest of the officers would be free to go and rescue the hostages.
Eric tracked the missing Pakistani agent to a motel room, he was gone but had left his laptop (and a ton of bloodstained towels/sheets) behind. Then they realise that there is no Internet in the hotel room, they track him to a 'suspicious' Pakistani software company nearby, who has secure satellites and whatnot - Eric and Hetty realise that the guy is going to upload all of this secret information and 'THAT CANNOT HAPPEN!'
Sam is interrogating all the SEALs together, and all of their stories about the movie are identical, they all say 'he had a change of heart' about the plot. He shows them a knife which was used to kill Powell, and Foster goes 'wait a minute thats not my knife, I lost it in Kandahar!' One of the other guys says it must be a 'duplicate knife' and Sam points out that their story is totally unravelling. The 'duplicate' guy says he will tell Sam what happened, 'SEAL to SEAL', so Sam turns off all the cameras and destroys his microphone. They tell Sam what happened; they knew Powell had sold secrets about their mission - and that if word got out about it, the mission would be halted because of the breach in security, and the hostages would die.
Kensi and Deeks are at the communications firm, where the wounded agent shoots at them before they manage to kill him - and the info is uploading via satellite, Eric can't stop it so Deeks shoots the hell out of the hard drive hahaha genius! But there's no way to ensure that nothing got through - it was a secure network, that even my dear Eric can't hack.
Sam and Callen give permission for the SEALs to go on the mission - without their director knowing. Sam says 'without any physical evidence, I have no suspects at this time'
He gets back to Ops and Hetty beckons him (rather ominously). He tells her that she has no evidence r suspects - and that the recording system malfunctioned so there is no record of Foster's confession. Hetty says she can't let the men get away with it, and then when Eric says that their video feed from the rescue mission is up and running. Callen tells Hetty that the autopsy came back - Powell didn't die of the knife wound, he was asthmatic. He had a panic attack because he couldn't breathe (his mouth was taped) and he suffocated. The SEALs really had not intended to kill him.
Then they're watching the video and suddenly several of the SEALs are injured, before the feed cuts out. Hetty fear that the Taliban did know they were coming. Eric asks (sounding very scared and almost like he's about to cry) 'what's happening?' and they are all very silent because none of them know. Then suddenly Cllen points to the only functioning camera (the one stationed outside the place where the hostages were held) and he sees a SEAL emerge with the first hostage. Then another SEAL and another hostages, then two more SEALs - one of whom is supporting the other one, Foster, who can't walk. Eventually, they all emerge, and Sam looks very proud, but also like he's going to cry.
Hetty gasps and says 'Those men knew it could hve been a trap, but they went anyway.' and Sam replies 'That's what we do'. She then tells him that she's going to follow his recommendation, and close the case. He thanks her, and even though it's such a cliché, I teared up a little when she replied with 'no, Mr. Hanna. Thank you.'

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