Friday 9 March 2012

SNL - Lindsey Lohan

I was a bit apprehensive of this episode, I've never really liked Lindsey Lohan, once she became all drug-addled and 'troubled'... But this episode was actually pretty good!
I loved the cold open, again with Mitt Romney trying to prove he's a real person lol...
And the monologue was actually HILARIOUS cos they were all 'checking up' on her to make sure she wasn't under the influence of something... (Did anyone else notice she kept calling Kristen Wiig 'Kirsten'? Weird.) And then Jimmy Fallon showed up! And John Hamm made a cameo! It was funny :)
The Real Housewives of Disney was pretty funny but also freaked me out cos of so many ruined shildhood memories...
The Psychic Awards sketch was a neat concept but kinda predictable (no pun intended).. And then the audience dies? What?
I was so excited they did the Scared Straight sketch, that's one of my fave recurring sketches!! 'This here is real!' And they mentioned Forrest Gump lol.. And then proceeded to make it really disgusting -.- HOWEVER I always love when the actors make themselves laugh, they always do that for some reason with this sketch and this time was no exception... At the end, Jason Sudekis sat on SOMETHING, I don't even know, he knocked something off the desk or something? Made a loud noise, he starts chuckling but not out loud, his face is all screwed up trying so hard not to laugh and then he chokes out his next line, it pans over to Bill Hader, Andy Samberg and Bobby Moynehan (spelling?) and they're all LAUGHING so hard it was awesome!!
The Delinquent Girl Teen gang, again, had a good concept but it just kept GOING and GOING and how many times are they gonna make Fred Armisen dress like a girl??
The 'Afros' Digital Short was so funny and then they got to the end and it was a wedding invitation? That confused me... But it was still funny :P
BY FAR my fave part of this episode was the crazy radio station sketch with 'The Buffalo' and 'Illiterate Lisa' and that other dude... It was rediculous but so funny! About how early it was, and she's SO illiterate, and nobody ever calls to win anything... that was EPIC!!!
I also really enjoyed the one about house-sitting, where Kristen Wiig's character was accidentally butt-dialing herself the whole time, then freaking out because there was nobody there!
Rude Buddha had a funny theme song but it was super-weird... Also, I love how he has a female 'follower' who looks so out of it the whole time... Hahaha 'the Facts of Life' song XD and OMG they actually could hear him! Haha that was weird but good
I liked the weird guy by a fire.
WAIT THERE'S MORE OF THE WEIRD GUY! And haha he got burned XD lol there's no reason for this but it's wonderful
Weekend update time! :) See, I am not American, so I don't follow their politics, but at least I know that we make fun of Mitt Romney for being rich and creepy! And I feel so bad for Snooki's baby O.o nobody should let her procreate... Haha yay James Carville! He would be King of the Snakes teehee and this blog window is blocking half my screen lol so I can't see Seth but I can see James/Bill doing some little dances and shuffling his hands LMAO I love him XD and he dated Newt Gingrich haha
You can't name a bridge after Chuck Norris... Because nobody crosses Chuck Norris TEEHEE I LOVE YOU SETH and Chimpanzee Jesus is a brilliant concept!
It's Bobby/Snooki!! And hahaha Seth missed his chance with her lol poor guy... At least all she's drinking is V8, Red Bull, and Jacuzzi water O.o JOHN HAMM'S THE FATHER I'M DYING OF LAUGHER!!!! Random plug for The Lorax haha is Bobby Moynehan in that movie? I know 2 other ppl who are/were on SNL are in it... Hmm anyway it's a good movie I reccommend it haha

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