Tuesday 10 April 2012

Bones - 'The Bump in the Road'

I'm honestly getting kinda tired of blogging -.- All the typing hurts my arms, and often it takes so long to recap something that's happening, I get too far behind so I have to pause and type and then restart and type some more. And SOMETIMES the damn screen freezes up and I can't see what I've just written, or if I've made any mistakes - gee, it's doing that RIGHT NOW!!
Because I watch so much TV online, I often end up blogging at the same time. But i've decided to do somethign a little different this week - watch the show first (on airor online) and then type a short summary of my thoughts AFTERWARD. That way, it'll only be my thoughts, rather than just a play-by-play, which it often ends up... And also it won't be as incredibly LONG as many of my recent blogs have been.
So, last night's Bones was interesting. I was expecting them to do an episode where she was still at home with the baby, and maybe consulting with the lab via phone, but they didn't so whatever. It was interesting to see how they suddenly made the baby six weeks old, (the actor baby still seemed way too old for that) and Bones was so protective. I found that hilarious, seeing that whole new side of her.
Booth and Brennan as a couple was a very interestign dynamic - when she was pregnant, they still seemed as though they were partners, and nothing more (minus the hilarious sexual tension they had in earlier seasons), but now that we see the 2 of them getting ready to work in the morning, and they're living together, it really sinks in for the viewer - and I have to say, I liked it.
A lot of the time, I cross my fingers for certain people on shows to get together, and then end up regretting the nauseating results (Finchel from Glee, anyone?!) but that's never been a problem on this show! Well, I hate Daisy and Sweets, but I never wanted them to get together anyways! In the earlier days, when Hodgins was courting Angela, that was adorable - and now that they've been almost married, broken up, one-sided  love, and now married finally - they still are adorable!
So anyway, I totally loved the accident Bones had when she was trying to send a picture of the body to the lab, but accidentally sent it to the director of her daughter's daycare instead!! Doesn't matter how high your IQ, everyone makes mistakes with their phones from time to time. I sometimes hit the 'reply' button twice, causing it to 'reply' and then 'send' a blank message! My friends always freak out cos they think it didn't work and I have to apologize, feeling very sheepish for my overeager clicking. However, I have never messed up as bad as that, sending a photo of a dead body - and then her reaction was so priceless, clicking the screen, and then going 'is there an 'unsend' button??'
Finally we bring back the cute southern guy (I forgot his name last week, it was FINI, which is so weird that I could forget that, considering there are now 3 Finns in my fave TV shows - First Glee, then this, and now CSI) but his storyline from this episode was so precious - he meets Cam's adopted daughter Miclelle and the two of them hit it off (Cam's face was priceless when she first realised they were flirting) and he takes her to a bluegrass concert (which I don't understand..) and then Cam got overprotective and told them to stop seeing each other but his little speech at the end where he said he couldn't stop seeing Michelle cos he couldnt stop thinking about her and he was crazy about it, so if Cam wanted to fire him, that was fine... So precious! And of course, she concedes that she was out of line and apologizes for being 'old' (Michelle's words) and that Finn can stay, so he and Michelle kiss and walk off together and made me feel, altogether, lonely -.-
The only 2 things I didn't like about that was 1) what happened to that girl Finn had been talking to at the beginning of the episode, in the diner?? and 2) Cam did have a point when she pointed out that Michelle always falls head-over-heels for guys and then makes bad decisions based on that - like turning down her dream school so she could stay in town with her loser boyfriend 1 or 2 seasons ago.
The insane couponing ladies scared the shit out of me - I've seen those reality shows where they use crzy amounts of coupons to (in my opinion, be greedy and) save a lot of money - but I never expected them to be FIGTHING over them! With fists! And claws! Holy crap. I also felt bad for the husband of the victim - sure he was cheating on her, but she loved her damn saving more than she loved him, so of course he felt neglected! He still wouldn't have had an excuse for killing her, but he was innocent so it's all good.
The angry cashier at the grocery store looked exactly  like the waitress lady from the diner they always go to O.O
And, in the end, it was the obnoxious-looking manager guy who had beaten her, causing her to crawl under the truck which eventually killed her. What kind of monster clipboard was that, I ask you?? It was a good 2 inches thick, and made of metal? After all, it dented her skull! Insane. And even better was Brenna's advice to him, 'You shouldn't hit people. You should use your words. That's what all the books say.' That had me doubled over with laughter.
Another highlight of this episode was the return of Agent Shaw! (played by the same girl who was Deb in Napoleon Dynamite.) I love how she's always 500 steps ahead of Booth, but a tad too eager to please... And the fact that she mentioned having a son was a little worrisome - they wouldn't put that in, give her more depth, unless she's gonna be around a lot more - or die. In fact, when she first showed up last season, it was the episode where they had been touting that someone, 'one of their own' was going to die and I thought it might've been her - which would have been preferable, given that the one they killed off was my favourite of all the interns, Vincent Nigel-Murray :'(
All in all, it was a good episode, interesting case, good character development, and very entertaining and romantic.
Why did I think this would be short??

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