Tuesday 17 April 2012

NCIS: LA - 'Patriot Acts'

Lol that is why you do not drive distracted... you'll run into some guy with a bomb in the back of his truck lol...
Also, Deeks is jealous of Kensi hanging out with Nell haha... I think it's good for them to be hanging out amongst all  the testosterone lol! But Deeks may not be so manly - he and Eric are the only 2 who have ever seen Sound of Music!
The guy with the bomb was arrested by the FBI (and the Feebs are being assholes as per usual on this show) so they can't interview him... But it's not all bad news, because.... NATE'S BACK!!!!!! :D So much happiness about this fact haha
I wonder how long it' s been since he's been there... Are he and Deeks well acquainted? Hmmm he's a shrink, i wonder what he would have to say about Deeks and Kensi's partnership... And Deeks's jealousy issues!!!! Oooh that'd be good!!
Yes I'm rambling, the video is frozen -.-
Why does no one ever hug their comrades on this show?? They haven't seen him in ages, and people get shot and recover and no one hugs them!!!
HA Eric and Nell to the rescue lol I love that he tech nerds are the most 'human' lol... God she's tiny... And ooh, hinting at a relationship between Nell and Nate? I think Eric will be getting jealous...
So Callen and Sam trick one of the FBI agents to let them into Gavin, the bomber's house... But then Agent Ambrose shows up and kicked them out.. But Deeks and Kensi show up to the diner where Gavin was arrested, and find his goth-chick girlfriend.
LMAO Eric's going to 'work out' at the gym with rediculous shoes which apparently 'build arch support' hahah i knew it - he's awkward/jealous about Nell and  Nate... OOH Nate's a smart one, he noticed that Nell was flirting with him earlier when he first showed up, but not now, when the two of them are alone... So clerly i has something to do with Eric! and she was clearly rying to make Eric jealous!!! OMG!!! So then in an effort to prove him wrong she says 'Okay, Eric? Really? We're taking about Eric? I mean, Eric? Ok I'm gonna stop saying Eric now...' that was hilarious!!
Evidently Deeks says the same thing as I do, he says a word and then 'make that plural. Bikezzzzzzz....' lol cos a bunch of motorcycles came roaring towards the garage where they were waiting, the garage that Gavin had called before he was arrested.
And Hetty calls to say that a radical terrorist group called to take respinsibility for the car bomb - and said there would be more. UH-OH!! (but come on, I saw that coming!)
The FBI dude is a toolbag, he says 'oh Nate, how dare you blah blah you've gone over to the dark side' and Nate goes 'I thought there were no sides' HA love this guy he's so smart but he doesn't take crap - the best combination! Quick plot point - Gavin (the guy whose truck blew up) was an Iraqi war vet - his entire squadron was blown up by an IED. He tells Nate that he doesn't know who put the bomb in the truck - and he gets angry. Then he tells Nate that clearly the FBI has it out for him - and then Ambrose bursts into the room and takes Gavin out. Shocking. It's weird how the FBI are the good guys on Criminal Minds, but annoying on CSI and this show.
Deeks and Kensi (they need a couple name. Densi? Keeks?? I know they're not a couple, but they're a partnership lol) tried to act undercover and bust into the biker garage. I say 'tried' cos they took like 5 steps inside and someone yelled 'Cop! He's a cop!' Deeks chases a guy out the door, turns out he's an 'old friend' lol and he says someone was asking around for a small bomb - which would be used to take out someone specific - not a chemical bomb, like the one in Gavin's truck.
Densi are at the goth chick girlfriend's house, and she plays a 'giant violin' (cello) haha Deeks apparently used to play the violin O.O which makes sense, as apparently he's only 'part Neanderthal' awwe I love him lol
Eric traced the call which had told the FBI the tip about the car bombs - it's a giant abandoned building surrounded by parking lots, which, as Sam says, is the 'perfect place for an ambush'. They see a car siting in the middle of the lot, and as soon as Callen bumps the lock on the gate surrounding the lot, the car EXPLODES - it was really loud and actually made me jump lol and then I went to cover my ears, forgetting that I was wearing headphones. Laugh away.
They figure out that Gavin was not acting alone (which was pretty much a given from the beginning, since that's what the FBI thought, and they're ALWAYS wrong on this show...) and that Mia, the girlfriend, didn't 'exist' until 6 years prior. It was her phone on which the calls were made to the bikers, and she has disappeared since talking to Deeks and Kensi at the diner.
Ok I want to know how tall Nate is, is he massive? Cos compared to him, Nell's like a woodland creature, but - even though she's small - she doesn't seem that tiny compared to anyone, except maybe Sam... Come to think of it, Hetty's smaller lol so nevermind... Anyway they both kick ass, despite their small stature! Maybe I could learn from them :P Nell's now all confused cos she thinks Nate thinks she has feelings for Eric haha...
They track down Mia through her cello repair servicing guy.. Apparently she was actually named Jessica, and they find her parents' house being house-sat and they find out that Mia/Jessica had been dating a Muslim guy who was arrested for terrorism and then murdered while in jail - AND the busboy at the diner where Mia/Jessica worked knew the guy and had changed his identity, too - six years ago. Callen figures they're out for revenge because their friend was murdered. And Ambrose was the one who arrested the Muslim guy.
They go to catch him and - shocking! - he runs away. But it's ok cos Sam and Callen catch him after he takes off. But he won't tell them where Mia is - but Ambrose is her target, so Eric tries to track them.
They realise that Adam, the busboy, had set up Ravi, the Muslim student, and then recruited Mia after Ravi's arrest so that he could use her to get to the FBI. They track Mia and Ambrose to a baseball field and realise that she's there to try to talk Ambrose into releasing Gavin, so she would have wanted some way to record their conversation - and that Adam had put the bomb into her tape recorder.
Lol Sam takes the bomb from her and they go 'Do you know what you're doing?' 'No.' 'Is it safe?' 'No.' 'Do we all need to be here?' 'No.' and Ambrose takes off lol
So Ravi and Gavin were innocent, and Mia isn't in any trouble because she hadn't planted any of the bombs, she was only trying to prove that her friend was innocent.
And it turns out Nell and Kensi had been at the monster truck rally (Nell says very pointedly to Eric 'I don't have any plans tonight. Or any night in the forseeable future. Unless the moster truck rally comes back to town.') and she and Eric walk off together.. Leaving Hetty to get the last word, as always: 'I'm surprised I didn't run into them..'

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