Thursday 19 April 2012

Bones - 'The Don't in the 'Do'

First of all - those blue birds? Gross. And they're dead. Grosser. No matter how many times they show dead people on this show and the various CSIs, dead animals always gross me out and make me kind of sad.
I feel bad for Bones because she can't fit in her old clothes, and she can't get comfortable - since I've been watching older seasons on DVD at the same time as the current season is airing, I've noticed that her style has really changed and become more bland. She's also beginning to look slightly different, of course Emily Deschanel will always be super-gorgeous, but she does look different, since she was pregnant in real life.
The tiny part of my brain which remembers my Grade 11 World Religions class quite enjoyed it when Bones made a joke about the Hindu god Vishnu, who was blue... At some point, I think before he died... That tiny part is apparently no longer paying attention. But she said 'He died thousands of years ago, so I think his decomposition would be a little more advanced' and did her little snort-laugh and I loved it!
Vaziri is usually pretty boring, in fact he and Daisy are my least favourite of the interns (wait, is Clark still working there? If so, add him to that list - although at least he's kind of cute). This episode was pretty funny though because he was all excited and happy, at first I thought he was high, and then we find out he was getting an article (potentially) published in the Journal of Forensic Anthropology - yes I remembered the whole title - and he wasn't supposed to tell anyone, but he told Hodgins and somehow the whole lab found out. This is the best plotline to involve him since we found out he was faking his Indian accent!
So the dead Smurf was a popular hairdresser, who was also a man-skank... And who looked like a woman. Very confusing. But hey, he's a hairdresser. AND THEN the grossest part of the episode - we find out that he had been scalped right before his body was set on fire! I mean, when Brennan first showed up at the crime scene and asked where his hair was, I was thinking 'uhm, hello, there is such a thing as baldness...' but now I realise that his entire SCALP was missing, and that's just... Ew.
I loved that Sweets' idea for making Bones feel better was for Booth to get her lingerĂ©... And I love how awkward Booth acted when going into the store. It was a bit of TMI when Sweets started talking about going into that store for Daisy, but the lady cut him off and knew exactly what they should get :P
So after that uncomfortable shopping trip, they cornered the guy they were there to talk to in the first place.. Carrying a giant bag of human hair. So apparently that guy and his brother cut the hair off corpses that are about to be cremated, and then sell the aforementioned hair to the salon where the dead guy had worked - to make hair extensions. EW EW EW EW EW!!!! Nuff said.
I loved the next scene, where the young (I'm guessing, first day on the job) public defender-lady who was hired to defend the guy with the bag of hair got all grossed out by everything he was saying - she kept jumping in with 'What?!'s and 'Oh my god!'ses lol it was very entertaining, especially when she tore out her own extensions and took off because she was so repulsed hahaha
Then Vaziri found out that his paper was not going to be published after all, and he was really upset, because it had been 'bumped in favour of some fluff peice about Selena Gomez going on an archeological dig'. I found tht reference hilarious (partly because I doubt she would, and partly because even if she did, I doubt 40-something out-of-touch-with-pop-culture scientists would care) and even more so when Brennan kept referring to her as 'Dr. Gomez' and saying she was unfamiliar with her work.
So it turned out that the jealous feminine shampoo boy had killed the stylist-man, cos he had just wanted his own chair at the salon, but the victim had laughed at him and said he wasn't good enough. Yet the victim had trusted the shampoo boy cutting his womanly hair. Weird. Anyway, the shampoo boy had killed him and then scalped him because his hair was 'the most beautiful I had ever worked on' and he had kept it, on a mannequin head in the salon - which kind of looked like the victim O.O (and that was enough to make me want to vomit..)
Side note: Booth's father was apparently a barber, and I loved the way he knew all the techniques and tools they were using at the salon - and I loved the use of the word Barbicide XD (there was this stand-up comedian I saw online once who had a hilarious joke about Barbicide, so every time I hear it now, I laugh.)
Then Booth presented Bones with her gift and they joked about going to use it while Christine was asleep, and bringing their chocolate ice cream with them... Which made no sense to me, cos I think Bones would have problems with chocolate ice cream getting all over stuff; she is, after all, a neat freak... And then Christine woke up :P Quite the mood-spoiler, crying children lol

Was I the only one who found this episode really gross? What's up with Sweets and Booth suddenly giving each other relationship advice? Leave a comment and let me know what you thought!
See you next week!

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