Wednesday 13 February 2013

CSI - 'Double Fault'

Ohhhh I get the title haha it's a tennis match!! Two girls playing, two old ladies commentating, apparently the 2 girls are good friends and one of them (Weber) has a good chance of beating the other one (Jansen) and she wins and hugs her opponent, and makes a speech thanking people for helping her win - and now she's dead in the ball machine.
Turns out she was definitely killed on the court. And then Russell opens with a definitely Grissom-or-Horatio-worthy line: "Who says tennis isn't a blood sport?"
YEAAAAA!!! Ok wrong show, but he's wearing sunglasses!
Apparently she was beaten and then stabbed in the throat. God.
Some guy in a suit comes in and calls Russel 'Dibenkorn' (guess we know what the D.B. stands for, and why he goes by his initials..) and the guy is from Immigration, and begins to ask questions about Hodges! Uh-oh!! Apparently Hodges has a fiancee from Italy that no one knows about, he met her when he was visiting Italy with his mom.
Greg and Nick go dumpster diving at the club, and find a broken tennis racket with blood on it. It's what was used to beat Weber and the broken part was what was used to stab her in the throat.
It's Jansen's racket, apparently they used the same kind of racket so sometimes they mixed them up by accident. But she used to have an anger problem.
And apparently Claudia (the victim) wanted to fire her coach/husband.
So Hodges' lady friend drops by the lab and they're having an argument, half in Italian, half in English, and Henry's standing there behind them using his phone to translate it hahaha... So subtle. Then they make up and she kisses him (Hodges, not Henry) and then Henry goes 'I have never been jealous of Hodges until right now.'
Turns out Claudia and her husband had been having marital problems, which is why she wanted to fire him as her coach. Apparently she would also get nightmares, and scream out the name Brent, and then would act all secretive when he asked her about it.
Greg and Russell go through her tennis bag, and find LSD, prompting Russell to say "Man, that takes me back" then Greg gets all wide-eyed and goes "You took LSD??" and Russell says "Uuh... No."
Some hippie lady's fingerprints were found on the bottle of LSD, and apparently she hypnotised Claudia to bring out the memories that caused her dreams.
You are getting very sleepy...
She had a repressed memory from when she was 4 of being in a tent and someone was hurting her mother, then someone comes opens up the tent, tells her not to move and she won't get hurt - then when she tried to crawl out of the tent and someone hit her on the head with a shovel - congruent with an old brain injury Doc Robbins found. Then she was screaming 'Brent!'
Finn talks to her father, who says he was not really Claudia's father, that he found her bleeding and dying at the side of the road when she was a small child, no one knew where she came from and no one came looking for her, so Children's Services let him and his wife adopt her. So sad :( And she had memory loss, so they never even told her that she wasn't actually theirs.
Then they realise that the stuffed rabbit they found in Claudia's tennis bag was the same one she was holding when she was found - and that, 20-some-odd years later, there could be evidence on it of when she and her mother were attacked. Also they think that seeing the rabbit again could be what triggered the dreams and memories, and that whoever attacked her before came back to 'finish the job' before she told the story to someone.
Morgan talks to Hodges about his fiancee and says Elisabetta could be using him to get a green card. And he gets offended. Says "Can't you just be happy for me?" she says that she doesn't trust her, and that she thinks he doesn't really either. And he gets mad.
They found sulfur on the rabbit, which leads them to take some GPR out to a mountain near a sulfur spring near where she was found. I have often wondered what the police would turn up if they took GPR over random patches of desert and forest... Although obviously that would be much too expensive, it might help solve a lot of cold cases...
Greg finds something, and it's... a coyote. Moving on. 
Brent? Is that you?
Then Nick finds a grave - a male and female buried together. The man was nearly decapitated by the shovel, and the woman was beaten around the head. The bodies are identified as Claudia's real parents, the father had been a violent convict and so they ran away to the forest. Brent was their son. Claudia called Brent Abbotts all over the state trying to find him. And one of them was an alias of Ernest, which is a name I remember from earlier...
He was the janitor!! It's always the janitor!!! He was actually Claudia's brother Brent, who was beaten by his father when he was a little kid, and so he took out his revenge on his parents because his mother always lied to protect the husband. He hit Claudia with the shovel by accident, and thought she was dead, and then when he turned away she disappeared, probably crawling to the road. He says that he came to Vegas to find her and tell her what had happened. He didn't kill her but he saw Jansen at the court that night.
Jansen admits to it after they confront her about the fingerprints on the racket - in blood, and a video that they have of her saying to Claudia right after the match "I'm sleeping with your husband". Ohhh what a sore loser!! She wanted Claudia's husband to leave Claudia for her, but when he didn't, she got jealous because Claudia took 'everything' from her, the match, the man, and then she snapped. Okay then. Crazy bitchy sore loser. Brass goes "Instead of serving aces, all you'll be serving, is time."
YEAAAAAA!!!! Man, I miss Miami... Humor me.

Hodges thanks Morgan for talking to immigration for him, and giving him a glowing character review, he asks why she did it, and she says "You're my friend. If she makes you happy, then I want you to be happy" and he hugs her and it's all touching and sappy and stuff. AWWWW NERD LOVE!!! Then she leaves and looks really sad. Hodges also looks sad.
And now the video is freezing in the last minute of the episode. Seriously?!  Just wait, something important is gonna happen here, and I'll miss it. Damn buffering.
Turns out there were some actual famous tennis players in this episode, which I might have known if I followed sports at times other than the Olympics.

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