Wednesday 26 September 2012

CSI - 'Karma to Burn'

You have no idea how happy this makes me :)
Especially since it was a cliffhanger ending last season - police corruption, the bastard who killed Warrick is back and calling the shots (literally) from inside prison; Ecklie got shot as Morgan was standing right there, Finn is at a bar drinking with a cop who may or may not be corrupt, Nick walked off the job and disappeared, and DB's granddaughter got kidnapped!! So much happening!!! I'm just glad Greg is OK, I'm already beside myself, if something happened to him I'd be beside and behind and in front and above and below myself!!!!
OKso Ecklie's stable, Morgan feels all guilty because when she was a kid she used to hate him and they were just reconnecting.. Aww :(
Outside Russel's house there was a flashlight with 'LVPD' on it, they know it was one of the crooked cops! So Russel didn't want anyone outside except for people Brass OKed, which is realy sad because it reminds me of Vega - they thought he was ok and then it turned out he had killed people.. And remember, there was a magazine cut-out ransom-type note left in the house that said 'karma' - probably because Russel had threatened to cut off the money that the evil ex-undersherriff's family was getting while he was in jail...
Finn's date takes her in his car to god-knows where and they leave their gun behind and her cell phone and I'm terrified for her but on the one hand she'll probably be fine because she's a badass, but on the other hand she's REEEALY drunk but doesn't have her gun or a phone!
Speaking of guns, Russell went into a safe in his house and got out an old-school revolver.. Uh-oh...
So a few cops found Nick.. and they got into a fight.. Haha I love my boy Nick, he was drunk and hilarious!
Sarah tells him that 'you can quit tomorrow, but right now, you still work here.'
NOO Finn don't go down that super-creepy hallway at the back of the illegal dingy club! Aaand now he's pulled a gun on her and taken her into a room - and there's the granddaughter Katie! Yay! She's ok!
And I can't hear the damn television because there are drunk people in the hallway being noisy as hell... This is pissing me off even more than usual drunken noise, because I'M TRYING TO WATCH CSI IN HERE!!!
McKean tells Russel that the bad guy from the last episode (the one who had his wife killed and got off for it) had stolen 2 million dollars of drug money that 'rightfully' belonged to McKean's family, that was why he had Russel's granddaughter kidnapped so that he would get his money back and then return the girl.
Finn found an air vent and is telling Katie to crawl through it, and the bad guys are coming back before she can get in, but then - attagirl! She drops down on the one bad guy and kicks his ass! But then he starts to beat her and she tries to run but all the doors to the big warehouse are locked and she can't get out and he throws her down... But OOH she kicks him in the groin hahahah I knew she was badass!! And he's standing over her holding his gun and then BAM he gets shot by a good-guy cop who comes in and rescues her! Hooray! (Nick and Greg and Russel has figured out where they were being held based on the paper the ransom note was printed on) But they get outside and can't find Katie, and I'm really worried cos the other bad guy went outside to find the other end of the duct once they realised how she had tried to escape... DAMN YOU COMMERCIALS!
Russell is so mad that Finn let Katie go out without her and now she's lost... Even though Ecklie's all drug-addled, he still figured out that McKean had ordered the hit on him
Russell was in the jail cell talking to McKean and they got into a fistfight and OMG HE SHOT HIM! Oh wait it was just a daydream haha I hate when they psych us out like that...
Alright Nick and Russel went in like mob bosses haha to go talk to the bad guy (Gilmore) and he was like 'what, you think the money will get you your granddaughter back? You're dumb, he's gonna kill her' and suddenly POOF there's blood and the bad guy's dead. My first reaction - AWW SHIT HE SHOT HIM!! But no, it was actually a sniper, and we later figure out that it was the same sniper (who used to be a cop, BTW) that shot Ecklie.
Brass gets all pissed because he tells Russell 'McKean knew he would get the money back anyway, he just used you because he knew you would go to Gilmore and lead McKean's guys to him! He was the only loose end!' Aw frick. Very surprised I didn't see that one coming, especially given the similar story to the NCIS:LA episode last night!
Ok they use some science (good to see that's still somewhere in here haha) to figure out that Katie is being kept at a house in the middle of the desert that predates WWII - and also that Kimball (the second crooked cop who took off with her) kept her alive because he has a daughter the same age and that would be too awful, so it's all good. They go to the house, find more dead cronies, find Kimball trying to escape, FIND KATIE hiding, and yay! She's safe!
Then they are all back at the lab and Nick and sara begin to argue about quitting, he's calling her a hypocrite and she's saying 'how dare you, I quit but I never said it out loud' haha and my darling Greg steps in and reprimands them - 'This is not how a family treats each other! Actually, it is... But we're also a team!' Hahah gotta love the kid! So Nick 'doesn't know' but HE CAN'T LEAVE!!! IF HE QUITS, BRASS WILL BE THE ONLY ONE TO HAVE BEEN IN ALL 273 EPISODES!!!!!!!! Sorry, I had an intense raging fangirl moment...
Russell calmly informs McKean that he's being transferred to a federal institution in Indiana BWAHAHA and he'll be in solitary for the rest of his life (DOUBLE BWAHAHA) and says 'have a nice trip' LMAO cool as a cucumber, I swear the guy was a mob boss in a past life :P
Anyway, then Russell goes into his office and finds his wife looking at photos from the house where they found Katie (more specifically the pics of the dead cronies) and she gets all emotional and says she can't live like this anymore and walks out and he yells after her.. Oh wait, he's daydreaming again -.- Silly TV people.
So it's all fine, he and his wife and Finn are gonna have dinner (Wait the wife gets to call her 'Jules' too? Lol I thought Russell was the only one with that priveledge!) and he hugs his wife, and ... fadeout.
My babies are back and they're all safe :') I'm so happy, you have no clue...
Alrighty, that was a pretty good wrapup of the cliffhanger. Katie's home safe, Ecklie's stable, Finn is safe too and the scumbag is dead... Only loose end is Nick. DAMNIT NICKYOU HAVE TO STAYYY!!!!
And the next episode isn't for another 2 weeks, according to IMDb. Ugh.

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