Thursday 11 October 2012

Big Bang Theory - 'The Higgs Boson Observation'

Remember how I keep talking about my Sheldon poster? My friend gave me another really awesome colourful one for my birthday (Thanks DJ!! :D ) That one is now hanging over my TV, staring at me whenever I watch television, and scaring the crap out of me when I open my bedroom door which is directly opposite :P I should put the 2 of them on walls across from each other, and have them have a Sheldon vs. Sheldon staring contest.
Walowitz misses gravity, so he makes people on webcam with him drop pencils repeatedly haha..
Sheldon and Penny and Leonard had a hilarious conversation about how Sheldon could have already done award-winning research as a child, so he needs to hire an assistant to sort through all his childhood research (Penny is too dumb for the job, Leonard has too much self-respect hahah)
So Sheldon hires a girl who flatters him (and doesn't smoke weed, despite his clever ruse) and she looks familier so I IMDb'd her, and OH MY GOD SHE WAS IN FIRED UP!!! She was the girl who is painfully honest and always says 'I'm just sayin' after everything haha I love her! And the weirdest timing too, earlier I had used that line in a tweet XD
Howard is going insane because he thinks he's going to be stuck on the space station forever, the rocket getting him was delayed by a week.
Amy becomes very jealous when she finds out about the new female assistant, and when she and Penny go to investigate Sheldon's office, they see Alex (the new assistant) talking to Leonard and Amy decides that she has nothing to worry about, because (and I quote) 'That bitch is your problem now' haha
Poor Penny, with Howard gone she's the only non-scientist around! And after saying it didn't matter, several times, she decided she would be jealous haha...
The rediculous thing, there's another non-solution in this episode, just like the last one, Penny is still jealous and Alex is still there.. Also Howard hasn't calmed down from his outer-space hysteria, he's still trapped and loony, so he decided to moon Bernadette on the webcam, despite her hissed warnings that 'NASA is watching this!!' And that's the end of the episode. Weird.
But it was a good funny episode haha can't wait for next week to see the follow-up to this!
Leave a comment to let me know what you thought, and as always, thanks for reading!!

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