Tuesday 2 October 2012

NCIS:LA - 'Recruit'

I am extremely excited for this episode - not just because it fills my running-around-shooting-bad-guys quota for the week, but because 2 of my favourite nerds Eric and Nell are going undercover this week!! Woohoo!! I know that the last time Eric went undercover he almost got killed (or 'frelted', as Deeks put it..) but I'm excited nonetheless!!
There was a guy in some Middle-Eastern country who was confirmed as a target and then blown up by a drone and several people were blown up but the first target guy escaped because he was conveniently outside the building when it was blown up.
Kensi doesn't want to see Deeks' vacation photos, she just wants to keep punching the punching robot-thing... Haha Nell's smart, she vanishes the instant Deeks heads her way with the photos! And how did I know that he would say 'because I'm awesome' when she asked 'why would I want to vacation with you??'
Eric tried to replace Sam's old chair, so Sam threw the new one off a balcony... Oh Eric, when will you learn??
Apparently the target was known as AAA (his initials) and he was a bombmaker for the Taliban, al-Quaeda, anyone who would pay him (haha Deeks said 'he's an equal-opportunity exploder') and one of the people blown up in the drone strike was an American Marine who shouldn't have been in Afghanistan, so they're looking into why he was fraternizing with the enemy.
Deeks' fave number was 4.0026, the atomic number of helium - Nell is good for recognising that, and he considers Eric a nerd? Hahah.. So he 'wins' the number guess and has to go talk to the family of Adams (the Marine who was killed). His parents are in denial about his traitor status, of course.
So Eric and Nell are having a nerd-off haha they're comparing their fave elements and Eric's never even heard of Nell's lol (Hetty's is Scotch haha) and they figure out how Adams got into Afghanistan, he took over a dozen flights and stopped in random places (causing Hetty to say 'I know what this means - he needs a new travel agent' hahaha) because he was trying to hide his trail.
I'm loving this episode, there's so much witty banter - mystery fish, a Goonies reference...
Arguing over the rules of how to say 'touche' haha Deeks is giving Kensi a lesson XD 'Touche, touche, touche! You cannot touch my tushay!' 'OK that is a human resources violation, which is going in my report to Hetty!' LMAO love these two!!
Alright so Adams told his girlfriend that he was going away to Alaska because he got a new job there that would pay well, because he needs more money because his girlfriend is pregnant.
Adams was not working for the CIA (as his coworker suggested, because that was the only possible reason he would go back to Afghanistan without telling anyone), so apparently that means he was working against the USA.
Eric and Nell found links that suggested Adams was working for a security firm named Atama Security, but when Nell called them, they said they would not release information about their employees' whereabouts, for their own safety (to which Deeks remarks 'well it's a little late for that now, dude's dead' lol) and when Callen and Sam go to investigate the firm, they find their office totally empty (of people, there are still cubicles and phony-looking posters and stuff there) and then a random guy pops up from one of the cubicles and starts shooting wildly at them! They take him down, of course, and interview him at the boastshed. Guy was an immigrnt from Europe and is paid to answer the phones, and he is usually the only one there.
Lmao Callen tells him 'If there is a link between you and these terrorists, I shudder to think of the consequences. And I rarely shudder.' And Sam has never seen him shudder hahaha
Was Eric just wearing sunglasses over his regular glasses? He and Nell (dressed all in black, of course haha) go to dig through the records at Atama Security and act like total badasses haha I'm sure they're enjoying themselves! Then he can't find Nell and freaks out - she pops up behind him and he's all startled! Then some awkward sexual tension that made me actually laugh out loud! They're so adorable, nerds falling in love is the cutest lol they need to kiss at some point!!
Alright so they figured out that Atama has hired a whole ton of former-Marines and about half of them are missing, in addition they are stealing personal information.
The team finds a way to intercept one of the new Atama hires who is on his way to Dubai - THIS SCENE WAS AMAZING!! At the airport, Sam finds the guy, Harris, and tells him to leave and follow him, Callen pretends to be Harris but the guy who was waiting for Harris doesn't believe him and turns away to leave and make a phone call, Deeks bumps into the bad guy and tases him, then he falls into a wheelchair that Kensi JUST SO HAPPENED to be pushing past at the time!! Oh my god, I'm sure I didn't do it justice, but even Eric said it was awesome haha!
So they interrogate the airport greeter guy, and he won't tell them anything, but then Callen and the rest of the team find the place where the other ex-Marines were being held and storm it, they rescue everyone and the AAA bomber guy was there too, so he's been turned over to the proper authorities!
I'm not sure why Deeks thinks just a scarf over his face was a good disguise, his super-blonde hair means he would stand out a TON in the Middle East... But oh well, at least it worked!
Hetty tells Eric and Nell they can go home, and Eric practically drags poor Nell out of there haha 'when she says it's OKto go home, We. Go. Home!' lmao
Sam actually WANTS to see Deeks' vacation photos lol and rescues Kensi from the agony of sitting next to her partner for a 16-hour flight! Oh, that camel...
This was an AWESOME episode, oh my god. One of the best in a while. So much witty banter! That's my favourite part!
So that's all for tonight, see you tomorrow for my CSI post! Thanks for reading, and please leave a comment!! :)

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