Tuesday 9 October 2012

Glee - 'The Breakup'

Sorry for the late post - I was super busy last week, and I did watch Glee live, but was too tired to type at the same time...
Basically, everyone breaks up. Hence the title. In a week of AWESOME episodes (HIMYM, NCIS:LA, Big Bang Theory - which was on RIGHT before this one so I was excited and then stabbed in the heart) this episode was BRUTAL. I cried more than once, became very grumpy after it was done, and then felt sad for the rest of the night. WHY, RYAN MURPHY, WHY?!! Tons of little Gleeks probably contemplated suicide after this episode for shipping these couples so hard and then having it ALL JUST FALL APART. For shame.
Another thing I hated was the fact that very few of the couples actually said outright 'we're breaking up now', they just kind of looked at each other then walked away and sang various sad songs. Wtf?! I hate vagueness...
Here's the rundown:
Rachel and Blaine are sluts (except Blaine felt horrible and cried and made me cry, and Rachel acted like she didn't do anything wrong, she said to Finn 'I want you to be my last love.. Just not right now'. God I hate her...)
Santana is lazy (?) and can't just keep coming home to do laundry in order to see Britney... That's one of the ones that made me kind of uncertain, because that doesn't seem like a good enough reason to dump someone, just cos you're far away...
Will expected Emma to just pack up her life and go to Washington with him for a few months when he got hired to be on that committe and she got mad and said 'I'm not just gonna be your wife, I have my own job and life too', which makes sense, I kind of see both their sides, but this was stupid as well, I mean that's an argument, not a reason to completely split up! And I lov ethe two of them as a couple, I have since day 1, even though I shipped Rachel and Finn for so long, when they got together they became nauseating, but Will and Emma didn't!!
Also, I just realised no mention was made to Tina and Mike in this episode.. hmm.. Did they escape the torture because he somehow didn't conveniently show up in time for this plotline? Or did they break up ages ago and it slipped my mind?
Oh and Jake dumped that psycho Kitty, who played a HORRIBLE prank on some girl and was so pretentious and self-righteous in the meantime, I HATE HER even more than Season 1 Quinn and Season 2 Sue and Rachel's eo and her overpronouncing combined!!! Oh and when she dumped him she yelled 'Obama. Is going. TO LOSE!' and stormed off down the hall - that was my fave line in an otherwise miserable episode, it made me laugh so hard. Like ok, and this is relevant why?!
The songs were actually really good for such a sad episode - I love Demi Lovato's song 'Give your heart a break' - but not the way Rachel sang it with her over-pronunciation -.- And New-York Boy (Brody) who she told Finn about kissing, has a weirdly high voice.
I remember hearing 'Barely Breathing' and especially 'Don't Speak' on the radio all the time as a kid, so it was neat to see them thrown into this episode.
I loved the original version that Glee did of 'Teenage Dream' but I actually muted this one, because Blaine was crying so hard - not only was he sniffling through his tears, but he would randomly speed up and sound angry, then slow down and sound sad again! It was brutal, I was crying the whole time too. I hate his sad face, it makes me so sad and I just want to jump up and hug him!!
And the closing song was 'The Scientist' by Coldplay - such a beautiful song, I was in tears AGAIN.. And it was stuck in my head for the next day and a half.
OK this episode was depressing as hell haha and revisiting it is making me more depressed lol so that's it for me for now. If you want a more detailed play-by-play of the episode, go check out Michael Buckley - he's a hilarious super-famous YouTuber who makes 'Glee-caps' every week, here's the one for this week: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxMjjF-ESao&feature=plcp

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