Tuesday 9 October 2012

How I Met Your Mother - 'Nannies'

Sorry this posting is late, I was studying last night and as a result missed Bones and HIMYM, I will watch and post about Bones later or possibly tomorrow.
The Autumn of Breakups has started (apparently they're carrying on that theme on Glee, too -.- ) and I hope Victoria and Ted are NOT next.. But Barney is up to his shennanigans haha apparently he spent 7,000$ on creating 'Bangtoberfest' merch lol
Lily and Marshall are trading off hours for watching Marvin (and Lily's cheating..) plus her dad is back in town because he burned down his house :( Quick side note: fires (house fires especially) terrify the heck out of me and I really find that sad rather than funny..
They interviewed this adorable British old lady (who I totally recognize from somewhere) but they can't hire her because she costs too much :(
Robin and Ted are hilarious as they are competing to see who has the best relationship that is more serious...
Lots of talking about organs from a girl who was from the same hometown as Marshall, they want to hire her and then she says she fell in love with a billionaire single dad who turns out to be - wait for it - BARNEY! hahaha they show up at his door so angrily and Lily pulls out her famous 'you SONOFABEETCH' line, but she was holding Marvin at the time so she changed it to 'you SONOFAN EETCH-BAY!!' I laughed so hard XD
Anyway, they tell the poor nanny girl the truth, but she's so hurt that she doesn't want to work for anyone who even knows Barney. Poor girl.
OK these girls are too dumb, they fell for his ridiculousnes scam! And Marshall was too busy playing with Barney's 'kid's car set to leave ahaha these writers are incredible.
I figured out where I knew the guy playing Nick from (thank you, imdb!) , he was on an episode of The Big Bang Theory (and an episode of Psych, but I don't remember that one) - but he played a total jerk in that episode, so I don't like him as much now lol... Robin and Ted are saying that there are so many things the other one shouldn't like about their significant other.. That's not good!
OMG now the sweet old lady is there - apparently Barney hired her for them, and sent Marshall the car set as an apologetic offering awww!! Lol.. And then Liliy is refusing to let her take Marvin (I kinda saw that one coming) and she goes 'I'm never ever letting go of you! Never ever ever!' (In a baby voice) 'And when I die, and become a skeleton! I'll still be holding on to you! Yes I will! Yees!' Haha borderline psycho-sounding, but also incredibly adorable, because, well, it's Lily!
LMAO BARNEY GOT BEAT UP BY ALL THE NANNIES HE INTERVIEWED AND SLEPT WITH!! HAHAHAHA Speaking of going nuts, he is changing back and forth like someone with multiple personalities OK it's so creepy!!
Lily woke up from sleeping all day and she can't find Marvin - and then they realise that Mickey (her dad) found Marvin and Lily asleep so he took Marvin and bathed him, changed him, fed him, and took him for a walk.. Aww... (This is kind of like Bones though, her dad abandoned her when she was 15, but then he wanted to look after her daughter!)
AHAHA and now the old-lady nanny is looking after Barney and making sure he doesn't hit on random women lol.. And then he sleeps with her!!! AWKWARD!!! PASS THE BRAIN BLEACH!!!
Even on its most mediocre day, How I Met Your Mother never disappoints - and this episode was far from mediocre!
Thanks for reading - leave a comment and let me know what you thought!

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