Thursday 25 October 2012

Big Bang Theory - 'The Holographic Excitation'

Halloween!! Halloween!!! I love The BBT Halloween episodes.. Or any other random BBT episodes where they wear costumes! Sheldon always uses the opportunity to prove he's smarter than everyone (anyone remember the Doppler Effect??) Howard looks skinnier than usual, and Raj and Leonard are just.. adorable!
So Stuart's having a party at the comic book store, and he's not sure of how to decorate, so Raj gets into party-planner mode, and Sheldon shakes Leonard's fist-bump when they determine that Howard can, in fact, use any conversation topic to remind people he went to space.
Then Amy and Sheldon try to figure out a couple's costume to wear to the party, and *gasp* amy doesn't like Star wars! Even the live studio audience gasped! How rude!
And Penny attempts to understand Leonard's work, he has a holographic thing that can move stuff around when he moves his hands around! And it makes Penny want to make out lol.. Interesting.
Raj makes bad Halloween/food puns, Howard's still talking about NASA, and Leonard shows up for lunch smiling at 'nothing' hehe, surprised no one saw right through that (especially Howard..)
Speaking of Howard, he's starting to make out with Bernadette and keeps making space/sex puns and she goes 'ohhhkay we need to talk' haha.. She tells him to not bring it up so often, and no, he can't even point lol
One would think Penny would be stronger than Leonard, but he handed her a giant metal ball like it's nothing, and she goes 'woah, that's heavy!' Now they're looking at a giant electromagnet and she finds it hot lol..
Sheldon is not at all subtle haha but apparently 'being nice' will make him shut up but 'helpful honesty' won't..
Wow Sheldon and Amy made a giant Venn diagram of costumes each of them want to go as, but neither of them will agree on anything :/
Howard and Bernadette are the Smurfs, which is so cute (except I feel bad for them being covered in blue paint!) and Penny and Leonard don't match at all (sexy cop and Albert Einstien? Also, Einstain wasn't balding, so that's weird..) LMAO Amy is Raggedy Anne and Sheldon's Raggedy C3PO (also, I had a deck of cards with Raggedy Ann on the back growing up, they were so cute!), because Sheldon 'lost the compromise' hahah
Then Howard's all sad and so Bernadette takes him aside and talks to him and he does an INCREDIBLY accurate imitation of her voice, and she reassures him that even 'regular boring old Howard' is nice she goes 'I married him! On purpose!' HAHAHA That was so freaking cute!! :)
Then at the end, we see a video of Buzz Aldrin talking to kids on Halloween and comparing candy to outer space.. Aww he's so cute lol! 'This one's a Moon Pie. I've walked on the moon! What have you done?' LMAO
What a good episode haha I love the Halloween ones, always have, hopefully always will! :P Happy Halloween everybody! (Even though that's not for almost another week... I'm going home this weekend so I'm all excited because I get to dress up early hehe)

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