Monday 15 October 2012

HIMYM - 'Who Wants to be a Godparent?'

No one's doing very well haha and Lily and Marshall are sad because they think NYC is going to kill them and they don't know what to do with their kid in the event they were going to die - they have fast-motion fights about leaving him to either of their mothers (And don't even consider Lily's dad haha) so they start a competition between Barney and Ted and Robin over who would make a more suitable godparent... Barney wears various costumes and sings inappropriate versions of various children's songs.. Ted and Robin keep buying him increasingly larger teddy bears hehe
No more childish games, it's time for AN OFFICIAL GAME!! hehe they've made up a game show and OMG THEY BROKE THE 4TH WALL BY LOOKING INTO THE CAMERA HAHAHA I love when people do that on TV :P
I love this episode, they did one like this on Friends (and lost Monica and Rachel their apartment haha) and Marshall bought Lily a bunch of stuff so she'll play the game and stop crying.. I don't understand why Barney always gets to answer first lol.. And what's up with Ted's puppet Professor Infosaurus?? Haha he breaks it out when he's telling the story to his kids in 2030 haha..
Now they're all arguing about how they each deserve to be Marvin's godparent, Barney's logic is 'I AM BARNEY STINSON!' hahahha.. To be honest, Ted seems like the obvious choice; they've known him the longest so they know he's trustworthy, and he LOVES kids, so that makes sense! Barney is, well Barney, so that's a bad idea lol, and Robin doesn't even want kids, so why would you let her watch somebody else's??
Uhoh Marshall and Lily are being bitchy and saying they don't even care about their friends' 'silly little dating problems'.. That's so sad and mean! Then everyone storms out, and Lily and Marshall feel bad... So they decide to ditch their baby and go to the bar! Lol but don't worry about it, they left him with Micky (Yes Micky, the one who they decided wouldn't be suitable to be a guardian haha) and went to listen to their friends (it's a good idea because they need their priorities, even if their kid is higher on that list, their friends should be on there too!)
So anyways, just like the good ol' days, they all got supa-drunk and closed out the bar lol and thhen in the morning when Marvin started crying, Robin and Ted volunteer to look after him instead (Barney heads to the door lol)
And they finally decide that they're gonna let all 3 be the godparents. I saw that coming, but it was fun getting there :P
Good episode, thanks for reading, please leave a comment! :)

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