Wednesday 16 January 2013

Big Bang Theory - 'The Bakersfield Exploration'

I'm tired, and behind on my blogging, so I feel obligated to catch up (considering there's a new BBT tomorrow night). So I will be blogging tonight in semi-point-form.
Sheldon has a steamer. He is using it to steam his Star Trek uniform.
We use the same kind of steamer at my work.
Leonard has more makeup than Penny. And it's better. HA
They just went to a Comic-con. But they have to go to another one.
Leonard takes a picture with Penny, holding a current newspaper, to show that he actually has a girlfriend. HAHA
Sheldon hates brunch. I think he's insane. Brunch is my favourite.
Bernadette thinks the girls should read comic books, to try to understand the guys better. Like Penny's journey into the online world of role-playing games, I can't see this going well.
OK Leonard was texting Penny, but he's driving. WTF?
LMAO Sheldon hacked Leonard's GPS and made his own voice the GPS voice. HAHAHAHA I love this!!
The guys decide to put on their Star Trek costumes and go have a photoshoot in the desert. I also can't see that going well.
The girls go to the comic book store and all the guys there (including Captain Sweatpants!) stare at them. Stuart comes out and makes some hilarious one-liners such as: 
'Come on guys, they're just girls. Nothing you haven't seen on TV or in drawings.'
Amy asks who the best superhero is, and Stuart asks if she wants to start a rumble. Then Stuart agrees with Penny that Thor is kinda hot. LOL
Sheldon 'weilds' his mind by looking like he's thinking (typical hand-on-chin) LMAO it's like Barney from HIMYM being unable to take a bad picture. 
Remember this pose?

Same concept.
Then comes some awkward dancing. From all of them, especially Leonard. Sheldon just kicks back and forth slowly. And someone steals Leonard's car. Sheldon yells after them 'stealing is against the law!' LMAO!
So they're stranded. And they have no phones, either. Sheldon thinks it's all Raj's fault. They try hitchiking, but they're dressed like Star Trek characters, so no one will stop!
Sheldon lets Leonard be in charge because he's in a captain's uniform (he's dressed as Picard).
The girls all think comic books are stupid. I concur. But then they start bickering over Thor and his hammer.
Sheldon makes a speech, I missed the majority of it, but it involved the word 'moxy.' Then someone drives by them, yells 'nerds!' and throws a RED slushie at Sheldon's uniform!!! OMG NO! I thought he was gonna have an aneurysm, but instead he just says 'I hate this planet!' and keeps walking.
The girls are still arguing. And now Harry Potter has been brought into the conversation somehow. They decide to go look at all the comics in Sheldon and Leonard's apartment.
The guys found a diner and everyone stares at them. Sheldon just says 'Hello.' very quietly. And then they get made fun of by a sassy waitress and Sheldon corrects her.
The cop the guys are talking to about the car theft is someone I TOTALLY recognize! He was the hot firefighter Phoebe was dating in that one episode from Friends where she couldn't decide between him and another guy. And I was going to post a photo of him on here but couldn't find any. Dang.
Poor Sheldon feels sad and wants to go home like the rest of them. Raj says 'can we at least rent the car from Enterprise? Get it' and I got it hahaha.
The guys get home and hear the girls talking about the comics, and at first they're confused, then they get excited and rush in to join their conversation.
And the thugs who stole the car are really enjoying Sheldon's 'fun facts' on the GPS HAHAHA at least someone is!!!
I really like this kinda-sorta-point-form method. I might use this more often.

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