Monday 21 January 2013

Bones - 'The Diamond in the Rough' (Part1)

That title. I can't hear that phrase without thinking of this:
"I must find him, this... diamond in the rough."
Yes, I had an awesome childhood. Actually, Aladdin, and later, Mary Poppins, were the only movies I owned when I was little. I haven't seen most of the older Disney movies (I know, I know, everyone's shocked) but I know every word of that one!!!
The opening screen of this episode is a title card for a show called Paranormal Abnormalities (bulky title much?) and this guy is talking to a night-cam about a ghost and looking around. Sweets is watching and talking to the TV - I'm not sure if he's mocking it, or agreeing with it - and then the TV guy finds a skeleton covered in sparkly stuff that's glowing, and Sweets jumps up and clutches his hair freaking out 'OH MY GOD!! WHAT IS THAT?!!'
He's so CUTE!!!!!!
Bones and angela are having coffee and Angela seems bummed about something. Well, something specific, her job is depressing her because she doesn't like having o draw murder victims (even if she is really good at it).
In the lab, it turns out that the sparkly stuff is minerals from the water that evaporated out of the creek when it was hot out. The dead girl's feet were repeatedly injured, indicating she was a dancer. She was dead for a little less than a week, and her pants were around her ankles, probably indicating sexual assault. Then Wendell goes to move the body, and her hand just snaps off!! He looks so shocked, and Bones looks like she's going to slap him! Poor kid!!
The girl who died was a professional, talented dancer named Katerina, and her partner Kendrick was PLAYED BY DEMITRI FROM SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE!!! I used to be addicted to that show... Especially because it's one of the few things on during the summer haha.. And the cute guys... 
And I love Cat Deely!!! She's just so sweet and hilarious!!
The 'anti-Seacrest', if you will.
So anyway, Kendrick is one of the best male dancers, and he's set to audition for this dance show, and girls would apparently 'kill' to be his partner. Well then. Methinks we have a motive.
Sweets finds out that Booth can dance - he used to teach dancing lessons to older women, a fact that Sweets uses and calls him a 'gigolo' haha - and suggests that he and Brennen go undercover at the dance show. She is thrilled by the idea; Booth, not so much.
Hodgins figures out that the victim wasn't sexually assaulted - she was 'pantsed' by maggots.
Angela is depressed again about art, looking at the X-rays of the crystal skeleton, because they're sparkly X-rays, and she thinks they're beautiful - but she has to make them ugly.
Booth and Brennan go undercover, and she can't really dance cos she's trying to mimic the other dancers.. And failing.. Kendrick's new partner is excellent (and a possible next-victim) and there's another pair, Leila and Rocco, who are also good, and the former's mother is a psycho angry bitch who threatens everyone. Including Bones. I kinda want to punch her in the face. (The mother, not Bones). Leila says she and Katerina were friends.
Wendell and Hodgins do an experiment trying to get the crystals off the bones, but they kinda overflow the tank and the bones fall apart... Good thing they were using a 'practise' skeleton. 
All that glitters.... Is very fragile. Be careful.
Bones is dancing around the lab while people update her on the case. I find it pretty damn funny. Meanwhile, Booth and Kendrick are talking about how much Brennan sucks. Poor girl.
Turns out Katerina was poisoned with lead repeatedly over the last year. And it doesn't narrow down the suspect pool at all. Her neck was also broken, which is what killed her.
The lead which poisoned Katerina is also used to dye fabrics, so they think Leila's mother could have been the killer because she makes her daughter's costumes. And, let's be honest, she's so insanely angry, she should be Suspect Numero Uno.
When Sweets is talking to Booth and Brennan delivering the latest update (and telling Booth his phone has excellent camera quality in low light and asking if he reccommends the phone), they're hiding in a closet away from the other dancers. When they hang up, they start kissing (because the rumba is a very sexy dance, who knew?) and then - FUNNIEST PART OF THE EPISODE - a janitor walks in on them. They stand there, staring at him, he stares at them, and then he keeps staring at them as he grabs a broom, shuts the light off, closes the door, and leaves. WITHOUT SAYING A WORD. Oh my god, that was hilarious.
Angela and Hodgins have a 'talk' about how Angela wants to go back to her art. And Hodgins gives Cam a convoluted story about what they talked about.
Back at the competition, Booth and Bones test Leila's costumes for lead salts and it's positive. So they arrest the mother and Leila confesses to it, because she just wanted Katerina to get sick so she would drop out of the competition - so that Leila would win, and get away from her mother (who Bones calls 'a very bossy woman' to her face!) But it turns out Leila's boyfriend did the neck-snapping, for the same reason - to get Leila away from her mother.

They're judging the competition!! And they gave the exact same criticism as Booth gave from backstage. Toldja he was a professional.
Then, even when the whole thing is wrapped up with a bow, Bones still wants to dance, and Booth changes it when they're onstage to a waltz instead, and everyone in the audience (even the Jeffersonian team who came to watch) is confused, because they look really awkward - especially Booth, who I think is doing it on purpose to look bad so he won't be embarassed about dancing. And Wendell says 'I don't know much about dancing, but is it supposed to look like a fistfight?' HAHAH
Also, Cam tells Angela that she is 'cutting her hours' and Angela knows that Hodgins put her up to that, but it's really sweet because she appreciates it so that she can have time to go and do her art, but still stay with her work 'family' as well as her real one. 
And because I was curious, I Googled the painting 'Mrs Henry White' that Angela mentioned in this episode. The artist is John Singer Sargent. I agree with what she said about the arms.
But I don't know if I could spend over 20 minutes looking at this painting.

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