Friday 2 November 2012

Big Bang Theory - 'The Extract Obliteration'

Sorry for the late post, but my internet was down again last night, causing me to have to save this draft as a Word document and upload it today - also explains the weird formatting haha. Enjoy!
Sheldon is freaking out because he’s playing Words With Friends with Steven Hawking, and that apparently means they’re friends haha.. I hate Scrabble, so despite having that game on my phone, I’ve never played it… And certainly not with Stephen Hawking haha! Sheldon wants to call him ‘Wheels’ (because that’s original!) Howard can’t play with Hawking until they invent a game called Words With People You Once Worked With, too bad lol! And then Sheldon leaves and Raj can get back to dancing haha!
Poor Bernadette took a shower and dried off with what turned out to be Howard’s mom’s underwear – EW!!! I’m confused though, I thought she and Howard were living together, and not with Howard’s mom, so why would her underwear be anywhere NEAR Bernadette’s shower???  I digress, Amy thinks Penny and Leonard are a weirder couple than her and Sheldon, and Penny’s going to community college.
Amy helps Sheldon pick a word that will beat Hawking’s score, ‘extract’ (the verb) and he says he can’t because using her word would be cheating, so instead he plays ‘extract’ (the noun) LMAO…  (Also, apparently Hawking wasn’t OK with ‘Wheels’) Then Hawking doesn’t answer and Sheldon’s all worried that Steven Hawking hates him lol! Howard tells him that Hawking is apparently a sore loser, and then Raj and Howard have a battle of the accents (Howard’s impersonation of Raj’s American accent sounds a lot like George W Bush O.o) and I’m pretty sure I could do a better Indian accent than Howard lol, but I saw nothing wrong with Raj’s American accent!! I laughed so hard at his little monologue!!
Penny eventually has a discussion with Leonard about how she was in community college and he reads her essay but it was terrible haha so he rewrites it and she flips out, despite his analogy of the shoemaker and the elves!
Another epic scene is when Sheldon and Leonard have a gripe-off which made me laugh really hard, they used the clock-timers from a speed chess game, and Sheldon’s way of ‘sympathizing’ was saying ‘women, huh?’ LMAO!! And he tried tapping his tablet on the table *tap tap tap* ‘Steven Hawking?’ *tap tap tap* ‘Steven Hawking?’ Apparently the brain-control thing only works on weak minds like Leonard’s hahaha…
Then Penny shows off the B- that she got on her essay, and he apologises and she does an impression of HIM saying the apology that she wishes he would say, that he was stupid, etc… And I want to meet whoever wrote this episode and give them a hug because I LOVE IT WHEN CHARACTERS DO IMPRESSIONS OF OTHER CHARACTERS!! AND THIS IS 3 TIMES IN ONE EPISODE!!!! And THEN, Sheldon is in a fit of real laughter (non-gaspy laughter) over her impression! ‘She sounded just like you!!’ OH MY GOD!!! Plus she goes back to her apartment and it is revealed that Amy and Bernadette helped her write the paper hahaha of course!
After the whole Hawking debacle, Sheldon decides he’s going to lose to him on purpose so that he (Hawking) will like him (Sheldon). So Hawking calls him and then mocks him for losing, including a ‘neener neener’, which sends LEONARD into a fit of laughter!! XD This was an amazing episode!! OH MY GOD!!  And not only that, it had a conclusive ending, unlike so many this season!! *Happy Dance*
See you all next week!!

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