Thursday 22 November 2012

Glee - 'Dynamic Duets'

There's a new Glee this week, despite my dad's INSISTANCE that it wouldn't be lol... Take that, American Thanksgiving!! (Also, happy Thanksgiving to all my American readers :) ) Big Bang Theory is taking a well-deserved break this week haha which is good, because I missed it anyways!
OH LORDY They've formed a superhero group and Blaine's the leader hahaha Joe, Tina, and Sam are the other club members, and Artie can't be 'a certain telepathic wheelchair-bound leader of a certain group of superheroes' so he's Dr. Y instead lol, I love Blaine's cape!
There's an energency in the choir room - their Nationals trophy is missing and there's a laptop in its place, of a video of a certain someone holding the trophy with a pixellated face and a Warblers jacket threatening them, saying they've lost their trophy, and soon they'll lose their title. Damn that Sebastian!!
Ryder and Jake get in a man-argument in the hallway over Marley because Ryder suddenly decided to be mad at Jake for how he treated her... Awkward.
Finn can't handle teaching (or Kitty's attitiude) and Blaine leaves to get the trophy (because Finn didn't even notice it was missing lol)
Finn's also unsure about the whole superhero thing, but I know he'll come around eventually, even if it is last minute and in a shower curtain like in the season 1 Lady Gaga episode haha.. Beiste tries to convince him (she's onboard with the superhero thing, too) and also he's never had coffee before. What was he drinking with Rachel when they were at that coffee shop 24/7 last season?!
Blaine goes to Dalton and runs into, guess who, Sebastien - who claims he's innocent, that the new captain of the Warblers was the one who stole the trophy. This guy's got a cat, a giant spinny chair, and a fireplace.
Remind you of anyone?
They try to convince Blaine to rejoin them (by giving him a blazer and making him sing Kelly Clarkson's 'Dark Side') Finn's next idea (the first one was to do Foreigner songs in foreign languages and in ethnic costumes) is to pair up everyone with their nemeses - I think the idea of Ryder and Jack is a good idea to have them work together to make them get over themselves, but I feel bad for Marley having to be paired with Kitty, that's like she's punishing her!! Speaking of whom, Kitty decided everything and gave Marley all the instructions, she has decided to call herself 'Femme Fatale because the translation means 'kill women', and that's exactly what I'm gonna do when I'm on that stage' (causing Marley to mutter 'no, it doesn't') lol and now I hate her even MORE!! Being a bitch and butchering French? This girl's gotta go!
Jake and Ryder are battling to be called 'Mage Stud' so they decide to finish their fight from earlier by ripping off Clark Kent outfits to reveal Superman outfits with the logo 'MS' on them, which I appreciated for 2 reasons - the obvious one, and because it led to the following priceless exchange between Artie and Finn: 'Isn't MS a degenerative nerve disease?' 'I thought it was a girl's magazine.' LOVE FINN!
Finn's next genius idea is actually not bad, because he wants to make Jake and Ryder sit in a room together and not leave until they've told each other their deepest weaknesses... Which, if they were real enemies would be the worst idea EVER, but this is a TV show so I'm sure it'll work. Also, I LOVE whoever is writing this week's episode because Jake says 'You sound like Yoda, dude..' and Finn counters with 'Deal do we have?' HAHAHA 
Now, Finn's not short or green enough, but it was still funny!!

Kitty decides she's gonna be nice to Marley because she now has enough control over Marley's life to feel secure about herself... Anyway they sing together and they're fine and friends now, because Marley's finally 'skinny enough' for Kitty to approve of her... Which is b/s because she says she's been throwing up every day but I thought Ryder convinced her to stop?!
Right after that, Britney notices Blaine's absence because she doesn't smell rasberry hair gel haha and Finn admits that Blaine wants to return to Dalton. (I just love how that school has a zero-tolerance bullying policy at their own school, but will let their students threaten and rob other schools!) Then Artie looks all scared and says 'He's been taken by the dark side!' 
Lots of Star Wars references for a superhero episode...

Jake and Ryder are locked in the locker room and Jake hands Ryder a note with his weakness, and Ryder is all 'nuh-uh, don't just give me a note, man up and tell me!' and Jake says that he feels like he never fits in because he's half-white, half-black, half-Jewish. And people always remind him of that. Which is weird, because I've never seen anyone be picked for that O.O Things must be different in the States. Then Ryder looks like he's gonna leave without spilling his guts, but then Jake tells him to 'man up' and he drops the last thing I expected - 'I told you not to just give me a note because I can't read it.' Holy crap! Although that would explain the whole thing where he has terrible marks but studies all the time. Poor kid.
Jake tells Finn about Ryder's illiteracy, and Finn sends him to a special ed teacher to do some tests and he looks really stressed, but he comes out and apparently is dyslexic. Aww.. But he's gonna get help! And he realises that Jake has his back... Awww
Ryder returns the favour when Jake is getting picked on (along with Marley's mother) in the cafeteria by those jerk football players... He comes up and goes 'hey, back off' and the rest of the Glee club (and Becky) come up and look all badass and stare down the jocks.
Then Jake feels all bad and decides to call PUCK!!!! Who is wearing a superhero costume with a giant red mohawk and standing outside of Graumann's Chinese Theater haha
Ryder has to break his date with Marley because he has an appointment with the dyslexic specialist, and Kitty is all 'well it sounds like he just blew you off cos you're not good enough for him' SHUT UP WOMAN!! And then Marley decides she's going to ask Jake out on a date instead. Oh no, I can't see this going well... 
I know Marley has a brain, why doesn't she use it?!!

Finally, someone talks some sense, and Sam has a heart-to-heart with Blaine and convinces him that McKinley is his home, so he will stay there - and then Blaine goes 'ok, but one last mission first.' AND THEN possibly the best scene of the entire episode (although Jake and Ryder's staredown/eyebrow faceoff at the beginning was a close second) they break into Dalton - in full superhero getup, to boot - and take back the trophy!! And as they run across the lawn, cartoon bubbles pop up saying 'Bam!' and then 'Slaine!' Ahaha I see what you did there!! And when they get back and return the trophy, Sam says breaking in was like 'the Death Star, Mordor and the Temple of Doom all wrapped into one' bringing the Star Wars reference total to 3, for those of you keeping track at home.
Then they all sing my FAVOURITE song of all time, 'Some Nights' by fun., and I was really worried that if I didn't like their rendition, it would ruin my love of the song but they were fine (although of course not as good as the original!) and Kitty and Marley share a verse and then as they walked away from each other Kitty rolled her eyes and made a face that was full of attitude, so we know the bitch isn't gone for good, unfortunately. But Jake and Ryder seem fine, for now. Although we all know that's only gonna last until they find out about how Marley's double-dating them...
Anyway, has anyone else noticed that Sam's been stepping up to solve all of people's self-confidence problems? In like every episode? First Marley, then Britney, now Blaine? 
There's one real superhero this season.
This episode was probably my favourite this season :) I love seeing Finn more, he's an incredible teacher, and the theme of the superheroes were so funny... Can't wait for more next week! Leave a comment, and as always, thanks for reading!

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