Saturday 10 November 2012

SNL - Anne Hathaway & Rihanna

Hey all! Today is a very special day for me, because this is my 100th post on this blog!! I'm kind of surprised, I've been doing it less than a year and I gave up on the end of last season.. But then again, this blog isn't called 'Emily Watches a Perfectly Normal Amount of TV'... Also, my first post and my 100th are both SNL, so this coincidence makes me very happy :) So thanks for reading, and enjoy the blog, I hope it's a good one!
I KNEW they were going to open with something about Romney since he lost the election.. Apparently he stands on his porch drinking copius amounts of milk and  being unable to tell his sons apart. (I can't blame him, they are all played by Taran!) And they're all trying to get his attention to come inside and see something, one of them says 'Paul Ryan is doing feats of strength in the drawing room!' and the second one says 'Donald Trump is doing this hilarious thing, where and Aidyhe's racist?'
I have always loved Anne Hathaway, she's adorable and always seems so happy and bubbly! I have to admit though I hate her hair short... And suddenly they're all singing a parody of 'One Day More' from Les Mis (because she's in the movie they're making) and for some reason she is fed up with Jason lol and Keenan didn't know when the election was!
Now there's a fake talk show where they're arguing over who is Cecily's character's best friend, and they talk like valley girls lol and Aidy's character hates Forever 21 and is super-jealous of Cecily's new best friend Anne haha
I think they're replacing the Digital Shorts with musical montages of random people doing weird things all over Manhattan... Such as Taran dancing weirdly while Keenan sings about it lol and Anne falls in love with him because of his weird dance because he was in a lab experiment O.o
And a Homeland parody lol... Three sketches between commercials?? This has to be a new record!! And I've never understood this show lol but Anne is playing a crazy unstable lady and it's hilarious 'David no, no no, David, no, David, no, no, David, no!' Bill says 'She makes some good points, David'. HAHA and she loves corkboards! yay! I probably would find this funnier if I watched the show, but this is pretty damn funny as it is! And she's all shakey haha
This next sketch is at a McDonalds, Anne is the nerdy manager and she has to fire people, Bobby and Cecily are all 'WE KNOW YOU'RE GONNA FIRE US! YOU ALL HATE US!' so they start insulting everyone lol and I know she's not gonna fire them otherwise it wouldn't be funny.. Ok what kind of name IS Nelliot?? Also I think this is the first time they've had EVERY cast member in one sketch :P They fire the last person they were insulting, and then they're like 'ohhh shoot..' hahah ahh we even out the 3-sketches thing by having a commercial break after only 1 lol
OK I liked Rihanna back in the day, but now she's trying too hard to be edgy.. No one on SNL uses a greenscreen!! It's cheesy!!! Especially since her bend members are kinda just blending into the background...
Weekend Update time!!! I know it is coming every week, but I still get really excited for it every week XD And they have Obama on!! (Well, they have Jay Pharoah as Obama on lol) and he tells Seth to 'bounce with me' and then compares Romney running for president to 'watching someone wearing rollerskates try to climb stairs' LMAO LOVE IT
Also I'm pretty sure the mop-baby-outfit thing isn't new O.o but who cares lol.. Fred and Bill are a gay couple from Maine and they're not very easily excited lol but they do have matching touques and they've registered for their wedding at LL Bean XD
I love Seth's facial expressions so much lol but if he keeps raising eyebrows so cutely he's gonna get forehead wrinkles... DRUNK UNCLE!!!! He of course, makes no sense talking about back in his day 'If we wanted a house of representatives, we built one ourselves', and now people are all 'is this ballot 4G?' and 'Can I vote with a Groupon?' he even refers to himself as 'Drunk Uncle' hhahaha is he supposed to be Seth's uncle? cos I'm pretty sure he's younger than Seth... And I never understand why they say 'goodnight' at the end of Weekend Update when it's in like the middle of the show lol
YAAY ELLEN!!! Kate does an epic job of playing her lol and odd, she talked about popcorn, I'm eating popcorn O.o weird! And Anne as Katie Holmes lol 'If you read US Weekly, you know Suri and I spend every waking moment at the zoo' love it!
OMG it's the story behind that painting 'American Gothic', the one with the serious-looking farmer man and woman, with the pitchfork!!! Hahaha before he'd wanted to hold a tennis racket, then a corn puppet lol
Rihanna's back.. And now the band members aren't lit up at all - something tells me shes a diva lol.. You know girrly, music is about teamwork! That's where harmony comes from!! I also can't get over the weird juxtaposition of such dramatic music with such a silly show lol.. Don't get me wrong I'm not hating on her, she is incredibly talented lol
A fake commercial about fake allergies hahaha Fred pretends to be allergic to cigarette smoke (smelling that stuff actually gives me a brutal headache...) and Vanessa freaks out over someone eating yogurt lol 'I am EXTREMELY lactose intolerant. Even though YOU'RE eating it, I can still get sick!'
Anne looks like she's about to cry as she's saying goodbye.. And she thanks the writers! Second shoutout of the years! And she thanks the NBC pages! Yaay! This is why I love her!! She's so adorable! Even Rihanna wants to hug her lol And then she asks Rihanna who she wants to thanks, and Rihanna says her mom... Awwwe :)
This was such a great episode, I'm happy for it to be my 100th post, and I'm so happy to have people who read my posts!! Over 2600 hits so far!! Yaay!! So thank you for reading, have a great night, and I'll be back on Monday!!

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