Wednesday 14 November 2012

NCIS: LA - 'Rude Awakenings'

Sorry for another late posting, but.. Studies called -.-
We open with Hetty commanding a bunch of teams from Ops, who are all 'codeline green' whatever that means, and are going in to neutralize the nuclear bomb threats.
Kensi knocks on the door, Callen and Sam (who for some reason don't need to wear SWAT uniforms) and a bunch of SWAT guys are outside the house and so she leaves her fake package at the door and they all storm in - and find a dead guy seated at a desk. OMG all the other sleeper agents are dead too!! This is some spooky stuff right here!! They were all tortured, probably by cronies of the Russian arms dealer whose name I can't spell..
Oh lovely, Granger's back! They interview the Arcadei, their guy who is 'ex'-KGB, he says Sitirov (?) has a wine collection all over the country so those various wine cellars would be good places to store weapons... And Arkadei (seriously, I hate Russian spelling!) acts incredibly shocked when they imply that they've found a nuclear bomb on US soil.
Then when they leave, Sam and Callen notice they've got a car tailing them, and I get all excited because Callen gets to drive like a crazy person!! The person manages to follow them (although I don't get how, because they turned into an alley before the tail had even gotten on the same street, how did they know... Nevermind) and then OMG this was epic, Callen stopped at the end of the alley because it's a dead-end, and then the guys in the car behind point guns at him and say 'get out' (so he does) and then ask him 'are you armed?' and he says (lies) 'No... But he is' and Sam jumps out of the bushes behind the other car ahahahaha so clever!
The guy in the other car is Snider, a CIA agent Sam had worked with on the same task force as Turner (the dead guy from the last episode) and Sam and he are all fake-friendly but never liked each other. Also, I just typed 'work' and it came out 'fork', so that's pretty funny.
Snider disses Turner, Callen now doesn't like Snider either, Sam doubts even Snider's mom likes him. His 'guys' don't like him, they shrug when Callen asks them. And I laugh, because I love their witty banter.
Eric and Nell basically confirm that Sitirov is a ghost, and then Sam tells them to tell him first if they find anything, because he doesn't want Snider to know.
In the sleeper agent's house, they can't find anyplace he would have put a bomb, then Nell tells them that there was supposed to be a basement to the house but one was (allegedly) never built. Deek's first reaction? 'RIVERDANCE!!' Naturally! No one knows what he's talking about lol but then he begins to tapdance like a madman and they all look at him until Kensi shouts 'you heard the man, Riverdance!!' That was just beautiful! Then they find a panel in the floor and a metal-locked box which Deeks says does NOT look like a wine cellar.
Speaking of wine, one of Sitirov's men was seen at a wine-storage facility - and then Deeks calls to tell them that the basement is empty of things, but full of radiation - Sitirov has the bomb.
Back at Ops, my beloved Eric gets to draw with glowy green pen on a giant screen and do a diagram of the type of reaction in a nuclear bomb and acts like a school teacher ('Anyone, anyone? Assistant Director Granger?' Bueller?) And then one of his best lines ever, this beautifully nerdy one right here:

Yea that's right. I learned how to add pictures to this blog. How cool am I?
Sam and Hetty are arguing (well, it's those 2 so they're speaking very calmly) about CIA, NCIS, boundaries, red tape, yadda yadda.. She says they could all be discharged and he says he doesn't care, pretty harsh when you're talking about the careers of other people!! She comes back with 'why would you?' Back upstairs, they're still talking math - 'Short answer, is a 35-year old bomb still viable?' 'What's your definition of viable?' 'Boom. Will they go boom.' 'Boom? Yes... They will.'
They interiew Arkadei again about who might want to kill Sitirov and he gives them a name. They go to inverview him, he denies knowing who's who, and so they 'jog his memory'. They throw some Russian names around, and suddenly Sam collapses to the ground in pain - and the guy runs. Except then he's caught by Deeks, who throws him into a garbage can and says 'Ohh that looked like it hurt. Now tell me, did it hurt, or did it just look like it hurt?' The guy says it hurt, and he feels like he broke his finger so Deeks says 'I hope it was your trigger finger, maybe now you'll stop shooting at people!' THIS GUY!
Then Granger shows up and has 'a talk' with Sam, saying he's 'got his back' and I'm very confused, plus my screen is lagging BIGTIME so I'm probably very mistaken but it looks like Sam and the old dude just did a fist-bump. And they mention someone named Quin and the rest of the team (minus know-it-all Callen) is just as mystified as I am. Aren't these convoluted shows fun??
They stake out Sitirov's hotel (Callen's on the rooftop scaring the crap out of me because I hate heights) and Deeks goes and plants a camera in the room, then Callen shoots RIGHT NEXT to Sitirov and Granger stands there calm as hell, the bad guys run back inside and Callen (with a dog?) comes down the stairs and OH Kensi shows one of the Russian guys the video of the bad guy from earlier running down some stairs and says he just came past her ahahaha so clever!
Sitirov orders a hit on the broken-finger guy and his boss, and Sam leaves a prison and gets into a car with a woman who he promptly starts kissing... And they sleep together and she knows he's married!! I'm so confused... So apparently she's Quin cos then some bad guys come busting in and hold a gun to his face. And apparently Sitirov's FIRST name is Isaac, why didn't I know that before, it's WAY easier to spell! So ISAAC tells Quin that he wants her to kill this guy, gives her a million bucks but doesn't want to see Sam again because 'I don't share my women'. Pig! And based on the snake-eyes that girl behind him was giving Quin, I guess 'his women' don't like sharing him, either!
Apparently not all the sleepers actually HAD a bomb, only 4 total did (one they have, 3 taken by the bad guys). Then Granger walks in with bad news that a woman had been found dead in Santa Monica Bay, Isaac has left the country, and they look sombre.
They get there and it's the brunette from his hotel room (altho they let you think it was Quin, those sneaky bastard writers!) then Snider shows up and is an antagonising bastard so Sam shoves him into the water and wrestles with him (wrecks his suit, too!) and the rest of the team tackles the CIA agents who pull their guns. When Kensi begs Callen to fill her in, he says 'It wasn't supposed to happen this way. They worked together for months, and they fell in love.' I KNEW IT!
Then they show Sam at home telling his wife they need to talk, and IT'S HER!! Clearly she's fine lol... But she says being back undercover has made her feel 'alive again' and he's all worried and I'm like 'DUDE YOU TWO HAVE A CHILD, THINK OF HER SAKE!!' Then he takes off his wedding ring, looks like he's crying, takes her gun out of the safe and ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? IT'S ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER!!! DAMNITALL!!!

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