Thursday 29 November 2012

Glee - 'Thanksgiving'

Did anyone else notice the random Cheerio with the neck brace walking down the hall during Marley's voiceover?
Finn's making everyone pair up with a mentor and he puts Quinn with Kitty (who is way more happy about that than Quinn is, she looks stunned)
Finn's genius idea was to do Gangnam style, but no one other than Britney can dance (Sam does his little stripper dance, but uhh...)
They're all going on and on about Thanksgiving but that's weird because that was totally last week, and Rachel and Kurt are derpfaces and decided not to, so they're going on and on about how great their lives are and how they don't need anyone else... Spare me.
Jake goes up to Ryder and tells him that he and Marley went out.. That was not a good idea!!! Why would he do that?! Ryder was surprisingly okay with it, but then Jake says 'You know, I wasn't just going to hump her and dump her.. She's special. She's different.'
Then Mike tries to teach them all to dance, and they all look like white dudes trying to dance. Ryder's pretty awesome tho, and Puck is all mad at Jake for not being good at it. So Ryder gets the dance solo.
And then when the girls are teaching the new girls to dance, Marley looks, as Quinn points out 'like she's going to hurl' and then we find out that Kitty has a creepy Quinn obsession and idolises her. Then she tells Quinn that she's always been nice to Marley ('Bullshit!' I cry) but that Jake is pressuring Marley to sleep with him, and Quinn gets mad!
Brodie has to teach Rachel's class, and she gets all mad at him for sleeping with Cassie, and at first he's all defensive but then eventually apologises. So then she invites him to her dinner with Kurt. Which you just know is going to be a train wreck.
Quinn confronts Jake about the whole Marley thing, and he has no clue what she's talking about.
Kurt invites his boss Isabelle to the dinner too, and they have a heart-to-heart over Blaine and she says he should try to forgive her.
Kitty is stupid and obnoxious, and Santana found out that Kitty is making Marley bulemic, so she and Quinn have a huge fight over each other's lives and we find out Quinn's dating one of her professors (ew!) and then they start slapping each other, until Britney walks in.
Jake tries to help Ryder learn the dance (my friend and I freaked out about his ballet moves because it makes no sense to do that to Gangman Style) and Ryder's having issues with the words, because he has enough problems with English, how is he supposed to sing Korean?!
Brodie and Kurt are bickering about the cooking of Thanksgiving dinner, and then Brodie tries to use the turkey as a courtship device hahah
Marley's all ready for the show, but shes hungry and my prediction is that she's going to collapse from hunger in the middle of the stage. Stupid Kitty!
Unique is back in full force, and gives a huge speech about being okay with yourself and your appearance, and Marley misses the irony of agreeing to that wholeheartedly in Unique's case, but then starving herself. Hypocrite.
The Warblers go first and they sing 'Whistle' by Flo Rida and it's good, but not standing-ovation worthy, the audience freaks out... Laame. Then a One Direction song and the audience freaks out some more, although I'm not sure that's because of the song or the Warblers, but I think they're over-hyped. Just because the main singer is a total asshole.
Then they close-up on Marley watching from the side of the stage, and she's crying? What?
A bunch of random people show up at Kurt and Rachel's, because Isabel invited all of them, and they have a big dance and have a 'Kiki' and I have no clue what that is...
Back to Sectionals, Emma and Sue are talking, and suddenly Mr. Schuester pops up and sits down beside them!
Apparently this audience will get excited for anything, because the Mennonite school that goes next barely sings for 30 seconds, and the audience goes nuts for them too.
Then Kurt calls Blaine, as he's RIGHT about to go perform (who does that) and they kinda make up and agree to see each other at Christmas aww! :) But then Blaine's crying as he's about to go onstage - and when Kurt turns around he's crying too so Isabelle goes and hugs him.
Marley's crying some more and Jake goes up to her and says she doesn't look OK, and then she cries some more and says everything's her fault and she's gonna screw up and then Ryder tells Jake that he has to do the dance (fail first he tries to pretend he hurt himself and Jake goes 'dude you're not even limping!' haha)
Then they go onstage and do a surprisingly good job (of course they have the Asian girl start the singing haha Kitty winks to the super-old judge just like Quinn taught her to, they release a bunch of confetti, and then, right at the end, everything starts spinning and Marley collapses. I CALLED IT! THAT IS WHAT YOU GET FOR STARVING YOURSELF AND BARFING ALL THE TIME AND THEN TRYING TO GANGNAM!!!
I am super-upset about this though, it's so sad and scary and Finn and everyone rushed up to the stage, and I'm pissed because it's A STINKING CLIFFHANGER!!!

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