Wednesday 7 November 2012

CSI - 'Pick and Roll'

I'm not in much of a blogging mood today, I'm incredibly tired and, y'know, midterms and such... But I'll do my best!
OK so I already know the general plotline of this episode, Charlie Russell's basketball coach is killed and he's a suspect.. But based on that opening scene, I'm not sure the coach didn't deserve it - he's such an ass!!
Coach was found, super-bloody, on the floor of the shower in the locker room (a nicer locker room than I've ever seen!), and I've been watching so many CSI reruns lately (all of season 2 in the past week!) than comparatively speaking, Brass looks WAY older, and almost.. like he's been sick? Well, he is almost 70. But back to the story!
Finn and Sara (who I noticed was randomly absent last week) find evidence that the killer dragged the body farther out of the shower from where he died.
AWKWARD TURTLE!! Russell goes to Charlie's dorm room and his girlfriend opens the door in her underwear.. Who does that?! Apparently they've been dating for months, haha DB says 'thanks for sharing!'
Charlie says that he overeheard the coach arguing the night before with the guy who gave the donation that built the gym - Brass interviews this Oxford guy, and he's an ass too. Apparently he 'doesn't get mad, he gets what he wants'. Give me a break.. Also the coach apparently got beat up a lot.
Henry and Greg (whose hair has gotten less awesome since the second season :( ) find a jersey that is covered with the coach's blood. When they interview the owner of the jersey, he says the spatter got there because there was a fight in the locker room the night before - and Charlie punched the coach. Uh-oh.
Alright, Charlie punched the coash because he called Vanessa a tramp. Yea that makes sense for him to punch him over that. And Russell's mad over that. Not surprised, but that really was justified.
Morgan sees awkwardly-walking Hodges marching back and forth in heels on a peice of paper trying to match the shoe pattern to those found on the floor of the locker room. That was entertaining XD
The coach's wife was out of town over the weekend, and apparently he had a 'man-cave' in the basement that was full of sex toys and stuff.. Which was covered with DNA not belonging to his wife! So he's an ass AND a cheater? Now I really hate this guy.. Also, his old bruises and such match the whips and riding crops in his basement.
Charlie and Vanessa go over to the Russell's for dinner and drop a bombshell on them - they're moving in together O.o
They trace the coach's calls and texts to a Club Iris, and go there to interview a 'Madam Z' who he had been talking to, and OH MY GOD it turns out to be Vanessa!! AWKWARD!! And no wonder the coach called her a tramp - he knew firsthand that she was a hooker!
OK so I was apparently distracted, Oxford turned up dead too and either they didn't go to that crime scene or I missed it altogether, but he was shot by the gun registered to the coach, Oxford and the coash's wife were sleeping together, but she says she didn't do it, although she did stumble upon her husband's dead body, and then we are treated to some classic Brass sarcasm - 'Well, at least you called 911. Oh, wait, oh yea that's right, you didn't!' :P
Apparently the mystery shoeprint wasn't a shoe at all, but an old old old basketball that was hand-stitched and signed by James Naismith!!! :O That's a historically important relic!!! You don't go carrying that around and bouncing it in blood!!! It belonged to the dean of the university, who killed the coach in a fit of rage after the coach was an insulting ass toward him! And then killed the spoiled-Oxford guy with the coach's gun to cover it up. Am I getting that right? I'm so tired...
Oh and Vanessa dumped Charlie out of the blue and wouldn't say why, poor kid is crushed but Russell won't tell him or his wife what he found out.
This was an interesting episode, I wish I had been able to pay better attention lol. Until next week!

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