Friday 17 February 2012

Big Bang Theory - 'The Rothman Disintegration'

I missed this episode because I was at work, and my dad kept going on about how much he loved it, so I am heading in with high expectations! Let's see how this goes...
Sheldon's hair looks different... lmao 'Dibs'... OMG KRIPKE!!!!!! Ahaha Sheldon's a hypocrite I love it! And Raj's line about hats being distinguished made me LOL... But seriously, any episode where Kripke shows up is made 100x better by that fact alone, expecially considering he can't pronounce his own name XD
Awe Amy is such a dork but totally means well and that giant painting of her and Penny is a tad creepy, but again with the good intention lol... Next time someone gives me something I don't like, I'm just gonna say 'wow' a buncha times... It is a pretty flattering portrait of Penny tho, notsomuch of Amy haha
Oh God they're talking to Seibert while he's trying to pee -.- I want to die with 1) laughter 2) disgust (in that order) LMFAO SHELDON HAS A 'SPOT' IN THE BATHROOM!!!
'I paid 25$ to a kid on eBay for a hand-crafted Harry Potter wand, and he sent me a stick!' OMG THATS HILARIOUS! (But it's numbered, meaning it's limited edition, so that's ok...)
Sheldon wants to compromise with Kripke.. And if that doesn't work, poison his tea LOL... 'How about I take Rothman's office, and you find a way to be ok with that' (Kripke suggests the opposite, except in his version, Sheldon should go 'suck a wemon') hehe this is a good one... THEY BROUGHT BACK ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS, LIZARD, SPOCK!! I ADORE SHELDON JUST FOR EXPLAINING THIS!!! AND BECAUSE HE SAID 'WE HAVE REACHED AN IMPASSE'!!!!! That line always reminds me of The Princess Bride :)
But theyre both equally bad at sports, why am I not surprised?? This is like the episode where Raj and Howard tried to wrestle and never actually touched each other! I love how Leonard is always the referee in competitions like this, I wonder how he would do at any of these things?
LMFAO Amy wasnt allowed to watch 'Grease' cos it mightve encouraged her to join a gang XD I don't see what Bernadette was saying about it looking like a transvestive Penny... Poor Amy :(
LMAO Professor Rothman was still in the office, thinking he was invisible hahah
HAHAHAHAHA 'the painting is a constant reminder that of the 3 of us, Bernadette is the least cool!'
Of course birds being out of tune with windchimes would piss Sheldon off... And his new office isn't all that great! Raise your hand if you are surprised by that... Nobody? Thought so. LMAO I love that hole in the wall... And nobody knows why it's there!
I give this episode 5 of the 5 possible hand positions in rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock (Just for bringing that back, but everything else was epic!!)

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