Friday 17 February 2012

Glee - 'Heart'

This episode was adorable but simultaneously made me lonely -.- (Thank you, Valentine's day!) I hate Rachel still, but I loved her dads... And how they tried to use reverse psychology on her and Finn haha genius!! AND they kept bickering over Tony Danza, I hope these guys are around a lot, because they are a riot!
They finally announced their engagement to the glee club haha and the majority of them were like 'ummm thats a bad idea' lol I think it's rediculous... I went to highschool with a girl who came back to our Octrober graduation and was engaged (I don't know if she knew him before going to university, but I still think it's really weird, at that point in your life you are in no place to make a huge decision like that!)
LMAO Rory and Artie competing for Sugar lol... Stuffed puppy! Real puppy! I thought Sugar had turned down Artie before, cos he was 'crippled' or something... NO! She said 'It's not because you're disabled, it's because I'm abled.' Lol why does he suddenly have a chance with her?
Mike sang! That dude is on a roll :)
I never really liked the song 'let me love you' but Artie was so cute lol and he made it sound good! And all the guys danced, I'm a total sucker for that haha
The God Squad is making me cringe, cos we actually have a 'God Squad' at my highschool haha it's lame I know -.- And I love the new guy, he's slightly creepy-looking but he's such a hippie it's cute! He belongs in a production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat (which I love listening to but really hate typing...) They did Stereo Hearts!!! OMG that made me so happy, cos one of my guy friends always sings that song randomly, and he loves Glee, so then the two were combined!
'Home' made me cry, I originally didn't like that song when I first heard the original Micheal Bublé version, but it has grown on me (as has he, of course!) and I think he's lying about the visa-revoked thing, he just wanted pity from Sugar!
Mercedes and Sam belong together! I loved his 'statue of St. Valentine, well its actually just a statue of one of the 3 wisemen that I painted red' but she clearly feels so guilty about kissing Sam behind Shane's back, and Shane cried in that montage, that was so sad :(
I loved her rendition of 'I will always love you' and that was such a bizarre coincidence, cos it was 3 days after Whitney Houston's death, and that makes 3 random Whitney coincidences - 1) her movie 'the Bodyguard' was (already planned) on TV Sunday night after her death Saturday, 2) I found out (Saturday night) that the next week's episode of SNL would be hosted by Maya Rudolph, an incredible comedian who has always done the best Whitney Houston impersonation ('I'm gonna get you, Bobby Brown!') so you just know they're going to do something about that... And now 3) the first ever Whitney song on Glee, recorded over a month prior. STRANGE!
OMG KUROFSKY'S BACK?! And he's in love with Kurt?! That's bizarre, but so sweet at the same time :) Poor guy though, Kurt turns him down, and then he gets 'outed' by a guy from his school (who played Beaver on Greek!)
Annnnd finally, the moment we were all waiting for... Sugar's party! At Breadsticks! (Seriously, is that the only restaurant in that town??) And Blaine's back! And awe John was fine with singing to a gay couple and said 'love's love, man' I found that adorable :) They all sing 'Love Shack' and are happy THE END
I give it 4 out of 5 dateless Emilys sitting at home eating icecream watching Glee on Valentine's Day ;)

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