Friday 17 February 2012

CSI: Miami 'Friendly Fire'

This episode was sad. And worrisome. And a tad conspiray-theory-esque.
The millionaire guy looked familiar at the beginning, but really depressing once you saw him beign degrraded by the cancer :(
I loved the argument Wolfe and Walter had with Calleigh about the wall-TV, but it was kinda obvious the way Walter said 'TV on' that that was what was going to happen haha...
Of course the hippies turned vandalists... And the one was screaming about corporate greed... (Lol Natalia later found out she was a trust-fund kid, 'hypocrite' is right).
The guns scared me shitless. There is no hiding from those things!!
The firefight at the bank was really scary, I kept expecting someone important (particularily the pretty lab girl-turned-detective) to get shot! And what the hell, there were originally 2 shooters with a gun each, the one got hit in the face and killed cos the weapon backfired, but where did the other guy go??!!!
Of course the ex-bestfriend turned out to be the killer, Stone promised it wouldn't get linked back to him but it totally did! And why didn't he just send the video to the police department in the first place?! What if hippie-chick had just thrown out the letter since it was a 'form' letter? But I agree with Calleigh that at first Ryan seemed like he had been watching too many spy movies haha... Intense! That dude's such a genius. Altho, video content aside, it seemed like the paranoid ramblings of a crazy dying man. It was terribly admirable of him to give his own life to save the lives of others from the faulty weapons. (Why does Horatio always get to stand in the middle of the road so dramatically to stop criminals?)
All in all, it was a tad depressing, but it also was fascinating to see those freaky weapons. Also it was
I will give it 2 (the ones used in the robbery) out of 3 smart-bullet guns overall

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