Tuesday 28 February 2012

NCIS: LA - 'Blye, K.'

Alright first of all, my dad informed me that this episode was a cliffhanger, which is why I have left it until the last minute (before part 2, which airs tonight) to watch it. You know me, I hate cliffhangers.
Second of all, I am supremely worried about this episode because this is the second episode this season whose title was the name of a character (the first being the season premiere, called 'Lange, H.') and in the first one, that character was shot and nearly killed. DON'T KILL KENSI!!!! (also I totally forgot that was her first name... Fail.)
I really enjoy her, partly because the Daniela Ruah, the actress who plays her is so nice, she was one of 2 famous people to wish me a happy birthday on Twitter :) (The amazing DulĂ© Hill, of Psych and The West Wing fame was the other) and also I like her because of the hilarious will-they-wont-they situation between her and Deeks, although my dad (such a spoiler, that man) told me she gets hurt this episode and Deeks feels bad... Let's just see!
We open with Deeks bragging about never having been dumped lol I find that a little hard to believe haha but he's so cute so maybe his line 'How can you break up with this?' does have a point... They're at the boatshed and then you hear Granger's ominous voice from the other room and he wants to interview Kensi(alone) and treats her like a suspect.
Then they're at the ops building (sans Kensi) and Hetty tells them that a sinper named David Blake was killed in a car crash that morning, shortly after arriving in LA, and that he used to work in the same unit as Kensi's father - and that she was the last one to talk to Blake before he was killed. Kensi tells Granger that she went to Hawaii (he keeps bugging her about this, I wish she'da just covered her tracks better and said it was a vacation...) to go and track down Blake to ask him about her father's death. She didn't believe he had died of drunk driving, and Granger tells her that Blake had come to LA and been killed. She looks shocked and then he tells her that if it wasn't actually a mere accident, she was the prime suspect. Asshole.
The rest of them are looking at a picture of Mr. Blye's sniper training unit, and all of them (except one, who is now missing) were killed in car accidents, three of them within the last 6 months. Kensi's father was the first to die, after which the unit was disbanded. And 'unless these guys were the world's worst drivers' (thank you Deeks for that line XD) that meand someone is killing them off one by one - could be the missing guy, or he could be in hiding because he saw the pattern forming, OR he could be dead already, just not yet discovered. Then Granger shows up and points out that Kensi was the last to contact THREE of the men before they died (Blake and 2 others) and he informs them that the unit was actually a top-secret black ops unit, and that he thinks Kensi joined NCIS with one purpose, finding information about her father's death/getting revenge. MAYBE HE'S THE ONE KILLING ALL OF THEM!!! AND HE'S BLAMING KENSI TO COVER HIS TRACKS!!! O.O but methinks he's just being paranoid... With reason? Jerkface she would never do that. Deeks sticks up for her. I love tht guy :) And Hetty gets up in Granger's face (or physically, around his torso..) and goes 'Can I see you in my office?!' I love how commanding a presence she has, despite being so tiny and old :P
Asshole has undermined Hetty's authority by keeping her in the dark... And she tells him off for it! You go, girl!
Sam and Callen look at Blake's car and they speculate that Blake could have flown over to tell her the truth about her father, or he was guilty of something and wanted to get her before she found out! Then they find a phone (which Callen sneakily takes) and blast residue on the brake line, meaning this was no accident, and (unfortunately) that Kensi is now officially a murder suspect. BUT ONLY IF THEY TELL GRANGER!!! Teehee being sneaky behind Big Brother's back!!
Kensi tells Granger that the last thing she would do is dishonour her father's memory by becoming a killer. Then he goes 'oh guess what your dad was actually not a big hero, here you go I'm gonna dishonour him by showing you a secret file' (which Hetty had no clue about) and Deeks is sad because he can't really help :(
LMAO Callen and Sam bothering Eric about the phone (there's a bunch of calls which are heavily encrypted or something and he can't crack it) and Sam questions his ability - 'I thought you could do this in your sleep?' and Eric fires back 'In my sleep I don't have people breathing down my neck! Well, except for that one dream...' Haha he's a little weird but so cute! I thought it was only Deeks who would have dreams like that ;) Apparently he couldn't track it because it was a CIA phone making those calls! 'Not bad for MIT' haha...
Soo some other calls were traced to a trailer park.. And Deeks can't fit into their car very well lol. He's used to riding shotgun. They tracked down where the missing sniper (Fisher) was living, in said trailer park, and Deeks is one of the Hardy Boys (or Nancy Drew, if you believe Sam) aaaaand surprise, surprise, Eric's magic security cams have spotted Kensi at the trailer park.
Granger then informs Kensi that her father was trained to 'eliminate threats to American national security' -.- so basically he was an assassin, but oooh nooo, the government doesnt' endorse that... Blah blah paranoid military coverup crap. He sounds like Professor Umbridge fro Harry Potter - 'of course we're not doing anything illegal' *simpering smile as tho talking to a dim-witted child*
Ohs noes! If they discover that Kensi actually went rogue they're gonna disband the team!!
LOL Deeks figures out a way to get Kensi to let him into her house XD And Kensi's cleaning a gun which was her father's.. Which Deeks finds weird. But he doesn't believe she's an evil killer awwe :) <3
LMFAO he wrote down 'something profound and meaningful and life-affirming' to say to make her feel better: drumroll, he says 'everything is going to be fine' and that's it hahaha it worked tho he made her laugh :)
SHIT LAPD found out about the car being rigged, so he has to arrest her :/ ooohhhh but Granger's just 'following protocol' blah blah SHUT UP IF YOU DIDN'T THINK SHE DID IT YOU WOULDN'T BE PUSHING SO HARD!! Awe I love Hetty she'll bend the rules if she knows someone's innocent - UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY, ASSFACE!!
So they find Fisher's phone has been reactiviated, soemwhere in an abandoned area of downtown, they rush off to find him, plus some CIA guy named Alex Harris was the one calling Blake, he had been assigned to keep an eye on the whole team (almost like a 'handler' from Chuck?) and he's now gone off the grid... Raise your hand if you saw that coming!
Eric and Nell discover that Granger knew (I didn't catch how, lotsa technical jargon) for YEARS that Kensi had been accessing data on her father's death, but didn't care until very recently. Nobody is liking the sound of this, dearest Eric. Wow they're in this giant abandoned theater, which is where Fisher's phone's last signal came from - I would just like to say that I LOVE abandoned buildings, they're so fascinating and quiet - unless you're tracking a bad guy and then get found/attacked by him, which is exactly what happens to our heroes... And then he runs out the back door (somehow donning a motorcycle helmet before getting outside) and jumps onto his motorbike which subsequently explodes. He shoulda been safe, he didn't have a car... Lol. They also find his phone and call Eric to see if the phone has been used to call Harris. Eric can't tell, but the phone was used to contact Blake, and an 'untraceable' number (come on Eric, you're better than that... MIT, boy!) SNEAKY they try to call Harris from the phone to see if he'll answer, cos they think if he killed Fisher he'd be curious and answer... Kensi needs to get some info to the team, but the asshole agents guarding her are like 'yeanope' they won't even deliver the message for her!
Sorry Deeks, no shotgun for you! Even tho he totally called it, when in sight of the car... Then they go look at Kensi's computer to see if she was looking into Fisher... She was (and LOL Deeks knows that her password was KINGOFTHEWORLD from Titanic)
They're at a bomb shelter lol (and Sam and Callen share one haha Deeks accidentally insulted them before learning this) Lol gotta be the first time anyone has ever STOPPED shooting after they shouted out 'Federal Agents!'
Lol Kensi kicks some ass and breaks out of custody.. She's gonna get in crap for that later... Who the hell is playing this Harris guy?!!?! He's so familiar... IMDbing this dude... And he wants 'protection' he's totally setting them up I know it. But he's agreeing to tell Kensi things... And Granger's all 'weelllll I'm not gonna let that happen! Cos he could be trying to kill Kensi!' And Callen points out the hypocrisy, because about 10 seconds ago, Granger thought Kensi was trying to kill Harris.. And Sam says 'oh guess what? We know that you were GIVING Kensi access to the info on her father' (I missed that part before) 'and you could get in some serious shit if that fact gets out!' Teehee then Granger says 'Is that a veiled threat, Agent Hanna?' And Sam goes (kickass line right here) 'I don't do veiled.' STAREDOWN BETWEEN THEM ENSUES! (And I start giggling like a maniac and wanting to highfive Sam).
OK I FOUND HIM, the guy playing Harris, his name is Gregg Henry and he was on 2 episodes of CSI: Miami (playing two completely different people, I might add, lol that keeps happening), played a toolbag FBI agent (who I actually remember, thats how much of a toolbag he was, plus I own that episode on DVD) on CSI, and, drumroll pleeeease... Played Quinn's toolbag dad on Glee! I'm seeing a theme here... His characters are all stubborn toolbags whith whom there is no negotiating, and always like to have complete control over every situation. Interesting.
They find out Kensi's escaped, and Granger is pissed, surprise surprise... She meets Hetty (in the middle of an open public park, is that really a good idea?) and Hetty tells her 'You're not who your past says you are - you are who you choose to be.' She's a beautiful genius, that woman :') And Kensi wants/has to meet with Harris, but he's too smart for her to have any sort of recording device on her, so they'll be 'blind'... There are 5 minutes left, I totally see how this could potentially go wrong. BE CAREFUL, KENSI!!!
Oooh guess what, Granger and Harris were in the same group at the CIA. Coincidence? I think NAWT! For some reason, Deeks and Nell (of all people?) are with Harris taking him to the meeting and Deeks warns him 'if something happens to Kensi, you're going to be dealing with me for the rest of your, soon to be very short, life.' and Harris asks him 'does your boss know about you two?' Nell looks confused but my eyes definitely got as wide as Deeks', cos I KNEW IT! Still not knowing why Deeks and Nell are there, I thought he wanted to talk to Kensi alone... Ah they're together and now Deeks is leaving. This is a giant park, I'm actually afraid for all of them, because a sniper could be hiding anywhere in the trees :/ And they still need 6-8 minutes before Eric's satellite feed can go up to watch them, I have a feeling that's going to be too late. Sam and Callen are hiding somewhere (not sure where) nearby keeping an eye on things and NOW I am understanding Nell's presence, she's Deeks' stand-in partner.
Harris reveals that Kensi's father was actually murdered and that was covered up, then he tells her that he, Blake and Fisher were going to meet up because they all knew someone was hunting down the team (they initially assumed it was Kensi, but then after Blake died he realised that was wrong) and he says 'After he takes me out, he's coming after you' and the SECOND she asks what this scary secret man's name is, Harris gets shot -.- Annnd Callen yells 'Kensi!' which i think is stupid because 1) that gave away HIS position to the shooter, and 2) didn't really help her at all, unless perhaps once she starts to run, she's running in the direction of his voice. Idk why she didn't find something to take cover behind (tree, anyone?) but then as she's running, she gets shot and falls super-dramatically and slowly to the ground.
Stinking cliffhangers. It's totally Granger. People in these shows never speak quickly enough. And if Harris was fearing for his own life, why wouldn't he want to meet in a secure (INDOOR) location?! I was going to suggest the boatshed, but nevermind Granger would have been able to breach security there pretty easily. Suspicious that he wasn't around at Ops looking over Hetty and Eric's shoulders as they were figuring out what a shady guy he is.

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