Thursday 23 February 2012

How I Met Your Mother - 'No Pressure'

To be honest, I forgot about the cliffhanger last week... TED LOVES ROBIN HOLY CRAP I HADN'T SEEN THAT COMING!!!!
LMAO 'I go camping in secret' and poor Robin and her archnemesis Patrice and all her confusion... Lol Barney's in their bed being creepy with Lily (shocking) and then she leaves...
HAHA of course Barney's rooting thru the house looking for a sex tape haha.. and then he gets a bunch of cleaning ladies to tidy up after him lol... Plus he found that box of long-term bets lol that's so funny! (I'm with Barney, Ted could not pull off bald) And so Lily's rooting against Robin and Ted getting together, hmmm... I ENJOY THESE BETS SO MUCH I NEED TO GET A HOBBY LIKE THAT!!!
Why are there so many people at the bar drinking beer at like 7am?!
Ouch Ted's hurt :( This is funny, theyre doing these flashbacks to years earlier and Lily's hair is't quite right hahaha...
Why the hell is Barney so obsessed with finding this sex tape?! He's even been driven to praying XD And of course Ted still has a VCR, theyre awesome! But that camera Marshall was using wouldn't have been big enough to hold a videotape... 'To the outdated viewing device!'
AND BARNEY'S IN LOVE WITH ROBIN STILL!!! Ted thinks it's the other way around tho, weird...
I'm just waiting for them to get in a fight over this haha
Damn why does Lily really want Barney to watch that video? Even with the bet, she shoulda said 'I bet Barney finds the tape' cos then she woulda won, and remained unembarassed haha... Damn he broke the VCR!
Awe poor Robin and Ted not being together :( It's so sad! They belong together! But no, Robin and Barney belong together even more :(    Don't make a 'if-we're-both-single-when-40-deal' like that with your friends, especially if either of you have the SLIGHTEST bit of feeling for the other!
Hahaha she returned the hairdryer (which would have made Marshall lose another bet) so he told her to keep it XD And Marshall's gonna mess with the bet again! Awe she's moving out again that's so sad, he needs another roommate now! And yaaay Florence and the Machine song closing the episode :)
We gotta meet this damn mother! But at least if we haven't, the show will have to keep going for a while! But it can't go too long, cos they're telling this story in the year 2030, and those kids are AT LEAST 15 O.o
I give this one 85 yellow umbrellas out of the 100 on the street at the end haha cos it was good, and funny (and I love the idea of long-term bets!) but it was also sad! BOOO SAD ENDINGS!

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